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𝐀𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐜 𝐋𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐳𝐨 ~

At least I deserve to be complimented. Don't you think that strangahh ? I literally put a lot of effort to get dress up for him because it was my first date and he didn't even look at me. Do I look that bad?  

She was on my shoulder drunk and yet she had some nerves to speak. I put her in car and she made a pouty like face and spoke :  He didn't look at me the way he should've. Maybe I am Ugly. or all he want is to fuck. When can I get a person who'll genuinely love me?

She was so drunk that she didn't even recognize she was talking to me. She slept on my lap and hugged my waist like a little baby. I took her to the mansion because god knows what's gonna happen if she's alone. I brought her up with me in my room. I put her down, removed her heels and covered her up with the blanket. She murmured something in her sleep and smiled. I changed and took a quick shower. I got in my boxers, locked the door. I haven't locked my door ever and I haven't even let in any girl in my room before. I quickly got in bed with her and tucked her more closer to me and put her head on my arm. She hugged me back. She cooed like a baby and put her both of the legs inside mine and slept smiling. I caressed her hairs. I don't know since when did she became my obsession, I just need her in my arms forever like this as bad as a kid wants their toy's. I'm ready to sacrifice anything for her and deep down I'm scared for getting rejected because I myself don't know if I'd be able to care for somebody like that.


"Boss it's time"

Max called me to wake me up, I didn't know when did I slept and Max calling me to wake me up is first time happening. For the first time in 20 years I've slept so peacefully without any nightmares. I looked at her. She was still sleeping and she was looking so adorable. I kissed her on the forehead and got out of the bed. She grabbed my hand to pull me closer. Even if I wanted to be with her I can't. I released my hand and took a shower and changed in a Tuxedo. I left some aspirin with water and some clothes for to wear after she wakes up.

Max opened the door and they all were already here on time. I took a seat and they all sat after me one by one.

"What are your plans for him"   
Steve shoot me with a question. 

"I sent my best Alpha team there, and the resources told me he disappeared overnight, and I think someone from inside let him know."

"I mean why aren't you there? Maybe if you were there, you would've caught him that time only"

I know I should've gone to New York when they found Michael there. But something, moreover someone didn't let me go there and I let my best to be best Alpha team handle it and it's consequences were he flew away like earth swallowed him down.

"I wasn't needed there Steve and enough with the counter back now. Any further questions?"

"Boss, Mexico has been great. Only Texas is left to cover with it"

"Good, keep the work on and try to locate more cities"
Yesterday, there was the exportation of some Rifles in Mexico and I was worried that they might get caught but everything went pretty well according to the plan. 

"Boss, when do we start our partnership with Jim B-!"

I cut Andrew off ! I shushed him, because there was somebody listening to our conversations. I doubted it for first 5 minutes because after me Max came in and closed the door. I waved at Max to open the door and see who's gonna be dead right now.

He opened it. ANDD---!!!
It was Victoria. What the fuck was she doing out here.

"I'm sorry ! I was lost ! Didn't see anybody to guide me! I swear I didn't hear a word, I was just passing by!!"

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