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I was in my oversized tee with matching pj's printed with little paws, my hairs were in a complete messy bun, I was laying down like a panda on my couch watching The Originals for the 999th time with a big bowl of full chocolate chip cookie dough ice-cream.

I eat ice-creams on basis of my mood swings, and I was super emotional so I needed some high amount of sugar in my diet, some girls doesn't eat at all whenever they are stressed or for there hourglass figures, duh ! But I was nothing like them, I always need something to eat every fucking time whenever I'm stressed. 

I was crying for the 999th time after watching Rebekah and Marcel kissing in New York, I mean why they aren't the happy ending. When Klaus had to bow down in front of Lucien just to save Hailey, our standards were raised as hell, I mean if I can not have this type of love, then I don't fucking want it. When I was gonna get this type of love? When God when ? A king bowing down for his queen>>>>>>>

I stopped crying when the episode was over, I was done for the day, I talked to myself, V you can not be here forever laying like a freaking panda, GET UPP. It was 7 pm and it was my gym time. Yes, I loved Gymming. If I ate like an animal, I worked out for two-three hours to maintain my figure, because I hate the moment when I cannot fit into my favorite Bodycons. I got up and combed my hairs up in a high pony, I wore my favorite black shorts and black cropped sweatshirt, I packed my necessities in my gym bag, locked the door and walked through to gym, I preferred walking while going to gym, plus it was just 15 minutes walk away.

I reached at gym, I decided to go for legs, since nobody's son shaking my legs, I'd do it myself. I was so into my phone, I was listening to Charlie puth's Attention. Yes, I just need attention, I don't want your heart, I was singing out loud, not loud enough to make other's stare at me, and suddenly I hit a wall, I was rubbing my forehead when I looked up it was a freaking person. He was freaking 6'5. I mean, Why ???? Why me ?? Why the hell was I short ?? I personally hated god for this. He went away staring at me, and I also stopped my mellow drama and tightened my pony for Bulgarian split squats, this was my personal favorite of all, I picked 15 kgs Dumbell for my second set, when I saw the person I hit my head was staring at me like he knew me from somewhere, or I stole his money and he is gonna murder me right now. I was like, NOOO, not in gym at least, as soon as I looked for him again he was long gone. I was just gonna finish my session after hip thrust.

Julian jumped out of nowhere and scared me as shit. He was the mayor's son, he was handsome, his height was around 5'11, dark brown hair, hazel green eyes, nice abs, hot figure, sharp jawline, nice dressing sense, great wealth, sweet nature, Bentley of his own, he was a businessman and any girl would kill to be with him, but I was not at all interested in him. I was not at all interested in anybody. He wanted to go on a date with me, even if it was just for 15 minutes. I was denying him for so long, because I had no time relationships I was dedicated to my mission.

"Shall I help you with the weight, Victoria." Here, he comes. Julian knew I'll say no to him, he was so stubborn, he asked me daily to spot me or workout with him but I loved doing gym alone. "Julian, what do you want ?" I said very rudely, I wasn't in the mood to talk to him. " YOU" he said very impressively, I mean it made me blush a little but I quickly hid it, I wasn't ready to date, my life was already so complicated, I couldn't handle this. "Julian, you know my answer, why do you want me to repeat it every time ?" I again said coldly. "Just in case you change your mind and just say yes to me"  I was gonna say something when he said, "Please, Victoria just thirty minutes is all I ask you, I will not take less or more than thirty minutes". I didn't reply him and instead I packed my stuff and left gym. 

I was walking out when I saw the man I hit my head with, staring at me and he was standing with two others of his own alike. I wasn't scared, but I wasn't fully recovered right now. When I was soo busy escaping from Alaric, I fell from stairs because of my heels, and I was bruised, my hamstring had some minor injury, and I didn't had my gun nor I wasn't in the state to fight with them. So, I chose the last option I had, I went back in the gym, I saw Julian doing lateral pushes, and he saw me in the mirror.  "Well, I'm free right now, do you wanna go cheat-meal today with me ? Only if you're free, as you have so many important meetings and etc...etc.. plus this isn't a date, so don't you dare !!". I spoke very fast that he was almost smiling, he raised his hands and said "Yes ma'am, I'm forever free for you." 

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