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Atelophobia //:  [A - tel - o - pho - bia]

The fear of imperfection. The fear of never being good enough.


𝐀𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐜 𝐋𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐳𝐨 ~

"Please do- don't, I-I swear I don't know. He never told me abu- about his liifffe"

"Then what the fuck did you do Alice ? Huhh ?? Just sucked his dick entire day until he passed out ??"  I spoke very coldly to Alice. She was hiding in Tbilisi, she was hard to find, but luckily I had sources everywhere and nobody could hide longer from me. 

I needed Marcell at any cost. I was interrogating her for last three hours and she didn't even utter a single word. My best torture team already did their work. She didn't even speak to them too. I only had last option left which I thought I wouldn't had to choose, but she left me with no option. 

"Bring her in",  I called from inside and my two top tier guards entered the room they were holding Alice's grandma, she only had her grandma as her parent, it was so easy to find out because she transferred a high amount of money every twice a week to a Foster Care. I tracked that Ip address, and 'Voila', I had my men guard that Foster Care. She came yesterday to meet her grandma and before she could enter the building my men brought her here, with her grandmother.

"NOOOOOOO, you can not do this Alaric you won't"  She screamed her lungs out. What does she think I am? Why the hell wouldn't I do that. 

"You don't know what I can and what not, I am capable of things which are beyond your imaginations mi amor"  I nodded my head to one of my guard and he raised his gun to her grandma's head. "And, what did you just say ? Alaric? Have you forgot your manners Alice?"

"I'm sorry Boss, please leave her alone. I'll tell you every single detail about him, just keep her away from all of this, please Boss I beg you please"

I loved when people called me boss and sir, no one has ever called me by my name, I lost the habit of hearing my name since my mother's death. 

"Leave"  I ordered my guards and looked at Alice again, "Speak !!"  I told her to be as fast as she can, because I have a very important meeting in just 10 mins. 

"It was one week ago, when Marcell and I were in his room, and somebody called he didn't pick it up in front of me. I didn't even care who it was until I went to the restroom and he called that person again. They were talking about taking your guards down from front and backyard, then attacking you when you'll be in a meeting with bunch of your co-workers. This wasn't the deal, when Marcell explained to the other person that he knows all of your places where you keep money and you supply drugs from and that he will first take your drug supply cart down. Then kill you while you'll be searching for the person who did it"

She explained all the details one by one and I could picturize it all how he asked me about the blueprint of the house, about my guards, my safe places where I kept my all of the money, and from where did I supplied drugs. I could understand it all, what I didn't get was why did he fake friendship with me when he knew I didn't have any person in my life except Max. Marcell stayed with me at my many worst points, we got drunk together, partied together and he even saved my life twice. Why did he do all that for ?? If it was money he could've asked me for it. I would've given him everything.

"Anything else you should tell me"   

"Marcell is in Russia right now, but he will come back to New York in 15 days he called three days ago. He wants to meet me"  

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