(Warning: Graphic scenes of violence, and some themes and ideations some viewers may find upsetting. Reader discretion is advised!)

Dean's POV

Cas and Gabriel returned from Heaven a few hours after they had vanished, and unfortunately, they didn't exactly bring back the heavy artillery I'd been praying for.

They'd managed to scrounge up a few extra angel blades and one or two more archangel blades, enough for all of us to arm ourselves at least. But that was all they could really get their hands on...nothing as potent as the Ark of the Covenant or the Horn of Joshua... much to my utter disappointment.

They said with how bad things had gotten in Heaven, angelic weaponry was few and far between...and I tried to give them the benefit of the doubt and be reasonable about the grand, cosmic-sized scheme of things...but it was extremely difficult not to be selfish when it was Y/N was on the line.

Sam and Rowena had gone through nearly every spellbook we had... and I was feeling slightly disheartened for a while, given I watched them sigh and throw books over their shoulders until there was a mountain of them discarded in the middle of the library. Until finally, Rowena's face lit up as she gazed down at the old, decrepit book in her hands, and she announced that she had found a spell to bind Lucifer.

Of course, with how intense my bloodlust was...I felt like binding him would be nowhere near enough... but then she explained that once he was bound, his power would diminish by a lot...allowing us the opportunity to get close enough and use what little weapons we had.

The spell seemed simple enough...it required a few ingredients that we kept stocked here in the bunker, along with a touch of archangel grace, which Gabriel willingly agreed to sacrifice for the cause.

While Rowena was mixing the ingredients and brewing her little witchy heart out...Crowley returned from the recon mission I'd set him on.

He'd discovered that Y/N was being kept in Hell's throne room...which was very heavily guarded. The good news, however...was that he did still have a few demons on the inside who knew of some easy access points, and once we enter into Hell from the Devil's Gate in an old Wyoming cemetery (a place Sam and I both knew well), we shouldn't have any problems until we reach the guards at the throne room door.

The guard-dogs didn't matter to me one bit though. A few pisspoor demons were the least of my concerns. Matter of fact...I looked forward to slaughtering my way into that room...because I was itching to kill some sons-of-bitches right about now.

I had some doubts about our plan...given I couldn't trust half my team...I wouldn't even believe them if they told me the sky was blue...and the odds have never really been in our favor when it comes to Lucifer, anyways...

But I had no choice...it had to work...it had to be enough...because failure was the absolute farthest thing from an option.


In pairs, we'd vanished from the bunker....Gabriel with Rowena, Sam with Cas, and me with Crowley. Those of them that were capable of that gut-roiling, instant teleportation trick grabbed onto the rest of us and brought us right to the Devil's gate in a matter of seconds.

"Are we ready?" I glanced around at all of them, and they all responded with firm nods and stern faces, filling me with a sense of gratitude and determination.

"Let's bring my baby home." I muttered beneath my breath, as Crowley flicked his wrist, causing the doors to the gate (which was disguised as an eerie looking mausoleum) to fling wide open.

Dark Tendencies: A Female Reader x Dean Winchester FicWhere stories live. Discover now