(TRIGGER WARNING!!!: There are some mentioned themes and ideations in this chapter that some readers may find upsetting. Reader discretion is advised.)


My eyes slowly blinked themselves open as I began to regain consciousness.

My head was pounding, and I tried to place a hand to my forehead to calm it...but my hand was unable to move. Neither of them could.

I lifted my head, glancing upwards, and realized that my arms were up above my head, bound together at the wrists by iron shackles that were attached to a chain, which hung down from the stone ceiling.

My eyes widened in fear, and I instantly began to panic. As my chest heaved, I struggled to rip my arms down, but there was no way that chain was budging.

I tried to kick my legs for momentum, but then I quickly gathered that my ankles were also immobilized, each bound by a separate shackle and chain that was welded into the floor beneath my feet.

Even though I knew in my heart it was pointless, I thrashed about violently in hopes of freeing myself, obviously to no avail.

"Mornin', Sunshine." a chilling, familiar voice stopped me dead in my tracks.

I looked straight ahead at the source of the voice, and my heart plummeted to the pit of my stomach.

Lucifer was sitting on what appeared to be a medieval-looking throne atop a stone platform across from me, eyeing me up and down with a look in his eyes that made me instantly feel sick.

"Where am I?" I demanded with a growl, baring my teeth in rage at the sight of him.

He held his arms out, gesturing to the ominously dim, stone room around us.

"Welcome to Hell." he grinned wickedly.

My blood ran cold as I took it all in. We were in a medieval, gothic style throne room. The walls were made of pure stone, and the ceiling was composed of numerous arches...one of which held the chain I was suspended from.

The temperature in the room was hot...very hot...the kind of muggy heat that was damn near unbearable. It didn't help matters much that I was sweating from the pure fearful adrenaline pumping through my veins...and it only worsened as I glanced at a few racks of torturous-looking instruments off to the sides of the room.

Hell...Satan himself had grabbed me from my home....and dragged me to Hell.

I was convinced I was going into cardiac arrest from how heavily my heart was thudding...but I had to keep a brave face...if I was gonna die in this room...I wasn't gonna die like a bitch. This asshole didn't deserve that satisfaction.

"What do you want from me?" I finally managed to muster.

He leaned back in his seat, casually propping up his leg over one of the arms of the throne and rubbing his chin as he smiled at me

"You, my lovely...are what I like to call 'a distraction'." he sneered.

As the word escaped his lips...Dean's hurtful, angry words from the day he left on his big hunt for Lucifer rang in my ears.

'We need to be focused. You'd be too much of a distraction.'

As Dean's voice echoed, I felt a sense of despair wash over me...but I did all in my power to ignore it. Dean and I had pushed past that...it was said and done. No point in being a wuss about it now...especially if this prick was using it to get in my head.

"A distraction for what?" I snarled.

"Well...while the Hardy boys are tearing everything apart trying to find you...they'll be too distracted to go after my baby mama. Make sense?" he shrugged.

Dark Tendencies: A Female Reader x Dean Winchester FicWhere stories live. Discover now