Shattered Lives

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Days started to turn gloomy which meant a storm was coming over Coruscant and life amongst the Skywalkers was the same, Anakin had stopped talking to Y/n randomly which Padme had noticed but Y/n told her not to worry as it's probably something going through his head, which he wasn't wrong, Anakin's mind was shifting into something darker and he knew it, Y/n returned to the temple and remained there to continue his meditations with Meetra who thinks she's made a break though with some techniques that might be able to unlock his memories.

Meetra: I think we should try this, I'm sure it will unlock whatever is hidden in that thick head of yours.

Y/n: Harsh, but fair.

Y/n sat back on the floor and began to meditate and with the instructions of Meetra he focused, however his mind would drift occasionally to Ahsoka and Anakin, When will he see her again, when will he be able to hold her in his arms. And Anakin, what was happening to him, why does he think that he was holding information on saving lives from death, the only information that he's been holding is about the world between world's and even Ahsoka has chosen to keep this information to herself, now deciding when he's finished meditating he's going to find Anakin and set things right with him as he's starting to get worried about him.

Meanwhile inside the city of Mandalore Gunships arrive in the city and land, a number of Mandalorians are being held captive by clone troopers including Gar Saxon who was resisting a clone as he’s brought to his feet.

Clone: Watch it.

Saxon and other Mandalorians are led away as Bo Katan passes them and makes eye contact with Saxon. She stops and watches them for a moment, then turns when she hears another gunship landing and she approaches it. The gunship’s doors open and inside was Ahsoka who then walks towards Bo Katan revealing Maul imprisoned behind her.

Bo Katan: You actually captured him. I’m impressed.

Bo Katan hands Ahsoka her lightsabers that fell from the sky.

Ahsoka: It is what the council wanted.

They began walking towards a Republic ship and Ahsoka's mind wandered immediately to Y/n and felt excitement to be going home.

Bo Katan: Still, you succeeded where many failed.

Ahsoka: I’ve learned from the best. Y/n's new techniques came incredibly valuable today.

They stop.

Bo Katan: I wish I was good at something other than war.

She surveys the still smoking city.

Ahsoka: Your people need a new kind of leader.

Bo Katan looks at Mandalorian civilians gathered nearby.

Bo Katan: My sister tried that. I never understood her idealism.

Rex: Commander. I have the council waiting.

Rex and two other clones approach.

Ahsoka: And Y/n? Were you able to contact him?

Rex: He wasn't there, sorry, but General Skywalker was at the meeting when I left to get you.

Bo Katan: Go on. I can handle this.

Ahsoka, Rex, and the other clones leave and enter a communications center inside are holograms of Mace Windu, Yoda, Mundi, and Aayla Secura.

Windu: I sense a plot to destroy the jedi. The dark side of the force surrounds the Chancellor.

Mundi: If he does not give up his emergency powers after the destruction of Grievous, then he should be removed from office.

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