Together Again

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Y/n removed his blade from her throat and took a step back as he looked at her with confusion, anger and frustration as Ahsoka looked at him trying to remain calm in the situation she is in

Y/n removed his blade from her throat and took a step back as he looked at her with confusion, anger and frustration as Ahsoka looked at him trying to remain calm in the situation she is in

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Y/n: What are you doing here.

Ahsoka: To find you, Meetra is worried about you, and, so am I

Y/n's face remained neutral as he turned away from Ahsoka and tried to walk away from her

Y/n: You found me, now you can leave, I have work to do

Ahsoka walked towards him and looked at his outfit with a smirk

Ahsoka: Nice outfit, it looks good on you, very mysterious and yet very alluring

Y/n: Thank you, like I said, leave

Ahsoka continued to walk through the crowded area with Y/n who was increasing his pace wanting nothing to do with Ahsoka, she increased her pace as well

Ahsoka: How long have you been here?

Y/n remained silent

Ahsoka: You look tired

Y/n remained Silent still as he tried to lose Ahsoka who was matching his every movement

Y/n with Ahsoka following him met with Yusuf Tazim and other Assassins at the Hippodrome to plan the protection of Prince Suleiman I at the Achtono Palace's cultural exposition.

Yusuf: A pleasant surprise, Y/n. We should trade stories if I am not dead by this time tomorrow.

Y/n: Is there a chance of that?

Yusuf: We learned that the Separatists are planning to infiltrate Achtono Palace now that Prince Suleiman has returned from his pilgrimage. If they do strike, it will be tonight at the cultural exposition the Prince has organized.

Y/n: So what is our plan?

Yusuf: Brother, this is not your fight. No need to snare yourself into the Achtonorren affairs.

Y/n: The Separatists found a key beneath Achtono Palace, and I would like to know how.

Yusuf: Y/n, we want to protect our Prince not interrogate him.

Ahsoka: I promise you he won't

Yusuf looked at Ahsoka then back at Y/n clearly sensing tension between the two

Y/n: Trust me, Yusuf. Just tell me where to go.

Yusuf: Achtono main gate. We plan to dress as entertainers and walk right in.

Y/n: I will find a disguise and meet you there.

Y/n and the other Assassins made their way to the Achtono Palace. The Assassins knocked out the minstrels and disguised themselves in their clothes.

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