A Friend in need, Isn't a Friend indeed

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Friendship shows us who we really are

Y/n and Ahsoka had been left alone by their masters for the next few days as they talked with the council about Y/n's fight with Dooku and what might possibly bring an end to the war if they meet again, meanwhile Y/n spent time with Ahsoka and her parents for one of those days and now both of them are working with Padme on Mandalore who have chosen to hold peace talks between the Republic and Separatists, tensions run high as many hold hope for these important negotiations

Padme: The Republic recognizes the tragedy of war, but there is nothing we can change that has already occurred

Politician: Say it aloud before this gathering, as representative for Chancellor Palpatine, that you declare without reservation the Separatist State legitimate

Padme's eyes fell from the politician feeling as the situation was now looking bleak, before she could answer Lux Bonteri stepped inside the room causing quite the commotion

Lux: I have something to say about the legitimacy of the Separatists

Ahsoka looked over at Lux but whispers to Y/n who was looking rather bored for a change since he hadn't been allowed to wonder the palace like before

Ahsoka: Why is Lux Bonteri here?

Y/n: Ordering Pizza???

Many whispered as Lux stormed up to the throne where Satine the Dutchess of Mandalore sat on her throne looking quite confused at the situation along with the rest of the politicians, Ahsoka then lent down to Padme and whispered to her next

Ahsoka: You didn't mention that Lux Bonteri
would be here

Padme: I didn't know

Y/n: Now can he leave....

Lux: I stand before you, son of Mina Bonteri loyal Separatist, a patriot, a friend, It has come to my attention that my mother was murdered by Count Dooku in cold blood

Separatist: That is a lie! Remove this traitor immediately!!

Lux: I will not be silenced!!

Y/n: Now it's finally getting interesting

Ahsoka: Y/n.....

Y/n: What???

Separatist: We would ask you to respect that we deal with this matter ourselves

Lux: No! Dooku is deceiving you, You will all be betrayed just like my mother

Lux was dragged out of the throne room with everyone watching on in horror and confusion meanwhile Ahsoka was trying to come up with a plan

Separatist: I apologize for such a rude interruption, please let us continue

Ahsoka: We can't just let them take him

Y/n: Why??

Ahsoka: He'll be killed

Padme: Do what you can, Ahsoka, but be discreet

Y/n: Have fun

Ahsoka: Y/n please

Ahsoka looked at Y/n giving him a full view of her blue eyes as she looked at him desperately for help, as he looked into her eyes he started to eye twitch trying to remain composed as he would never fall for it

Y/n: Ohhh alright!! Stupid ...... Bonteri...... Stupid...... Face

Smiling at her success she grabbed him and ran for the main door hoping that they're not to late, meanwhile Lux was being held by droids and now on the holo with Count Dooku who wasn't looking amused by this situation

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