Parental Dispute

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One long journey to Coruscant is going to be a nightmare if this silent treatment keeps up I don't even know what was said between Obi Wan and Satine while I was outside with Anakin, He's even wondering what's going on between the two but it might help the fact that Anakin doesn't know about there thing a long time ago, lucky enough for me she invited me for dinner with the rest of the senators, the food will be great and hopefully a chance to relax after fighting all those Mandalorians they are no pushovers I can say that, in the meantime I'm hanging out with Rex and R2 which is a nice change of pace.

Rex: So let me get this straight, you lead a large pack of Kath Hounds on a armed and illigal factory, after you went and built two new lightsabers from the same place you met the Kath Hounds?

Y/n: Oh don't forget the awesome jumps and flips I did while doing it

R2 cherps and wiggles

Rex: Oh we can't forget that part now could we (laughs quietly) It's good to have you back

Y/n: The feelings mutual oh buddy ol pal (slap Rex on the arm)

At that moment Anakin came around the corner with a grin on his face

Anakin: Am I interuping anything?

Rex: No sir just catching up

Y/n: Oh yeah I also got praise from him( pointing at Anakin)

Anakin: Okay I'm leaving now, y/n don't forget your needed in the main chamber with Satine and the rest of the senators soon

Y/n: Oh we can't forget that now can we

Anakin: Hey at least you're getting free food

Anakin takes his leave and Rex does the same joined by R2

Rex: Well talk to you later after we reach Coruscant

Y/n: Sounds good Rex

I made my own way to the main chamber and boy was I in for a surprise the food smelt good and it looks like Satine was happy to see me

Satine: Y/n you made it( points to a chair near her) come sit and enjoy, you must be hungry after the ordeal

I sit next to her which felt like I'm sitting next to my mother in a fancy party, in a way

Y/n: It's no trouble, I was happy to help

Satine just sits there smiling at me

Satine: Oh no need to be so modest my young Jedi friend, dig in you deserve it

I start stuffing my face with anything I can fit in my mouth, all the different meats, vegetables and fruits from all over the system but unfortunately it was ended quickly when Obi Wan comes in with Anakin

Obi Wan: Y/n why are you eating, your surposed to be going through your studies

Satine heard this and decided to jump in on the conversation

Satine: I invited him personally, I thought he deservesd a rest after the chaos that he rescued us from

Obi Wan: With all due respect Duchess but it's not your call to make

I look to Anakin for some kind of help, it's like listening to a parental dispute over what's best for the child,and I'm the child, luckily Anakin comes over to me and grabs me

Anakin: Let's, leave them to it

Y/n: You don't have to tell me twice

We start sneaking out as the two continue to argue

Star Wars The Clone Wars Rise Of A JediNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ