The Revelation

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Father: Hello my son.....

Y/n stood there confused and angry, as he walked towards him, all that was going through his head now was the thoughts of Mortis and the events that took place over two years ago, he looked up at his father with narrowed eyes.

Y/n: You..... After all this time you decide to show yourself

His father remind still with a neutral expression.

Father: I did say I would again, when the time was right

Y/n looked around once again before turning to his father.

Y/n: What is this place?

Father: This is the place that I like to call the world between worlds, it is a gateway between the living and the dead, along with many different points in time.

Y/n looked at the many archways that stood along the many different paths in the infinite stretching world, he felt in awe and started to understand why those who entered went mad.

Y/n: How did you find this place?

Father: I am known as a scientist back on our homeworld, I studied how the force could be used to terraform and breakdown materials, but, instead, I found this, and it's pull over me.

Y/n: It's pull?

Father: Yes, we know the force has a will of its own, its own grand design. Along time ago, I was just an apprentice to a master scientist who was studying for a way to travel across star systems without having the need to space travel, I was tasked with studying different effects of his efforts to achieve this, however, it only ended with his death, and my life being saved by this world.

Y/n couldn't understand how or why any of those things were achievable but another question was clouding his mind of all others.

Y/n: But wait, then how did I ended up on earth?

Father: Where we are from, our world went to war with itself, two factions formed and our world was on the brink of destruction due to one of those factions, I led Teresa to Earth with you and a number of others to safety, for a long time I had watched Earth for a while, and what it will become.

Stunned, he looked at the ground as almost angry but also relieved, knowing that someone had watched over him since before he was born.

Y/n: All this time, she knew who I was, and she didn't say anything?

Father: It was my wish, I wanted you to live a life without the heritage that you bring, and what you could possibly be.

Y/n: What heritage?

Father: You come from a line of Royalty, last of the bloodline, we are a race that was known as The Force Wielders. A race of force users or as some class us as the first to be inbeded with the power of the force. From the lowest of our people can control the force, it is natural as breathing to us.

Y/n: Is that why I've been able to use it so destructively?

Father: On the most part yes, but you do have a unique ability that allows you to become stronger from fighting and adapt to your situation, it's from the warrior line or Royal line, a unique ability or a common ability depending on their strength in the force.

Y/n: I'm a royal?

Father: Yes.

Y/n looked at him just hating the idea of being someone who rules over people he shook his head in disapproval which his father understands.

Father: It's difficult to process, and part of why I wanted you to choose your own path. But I'm hoping it's a particular path.

Y/n looked at him narrowing his eyes thinking about what his father could have seen in the world for how long he's been in here.

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