To Catch The Wrong Jedi

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Y/n was growing more angry with the council towards Ahsoka and they knew it, after he helped her escape Ahsoka decided to go alone and search for the truth, the Jedi at this time think he's hiding her and protecting her and now have removed him from the investigation, Tarkin has now been put in charge of the investigation for the republic and now is with the Jedi council

Tarkin: After further investigation,there can be little doubt that the clone officers murdered in the escape were killed by none other than Ahsoka Tano herself. She used a Jedi mind trick to convince the clone to open the door and then proceeded to cut him down along with five other clones along the way.

Plo Koon: I do not believe that Ahsoka could have fallen so far.

Tarkin: The beliefs of the Jedi Council are irrelevant. We deal strictly in facts and evidence, and the evidence points to Padawan Tano being guilty of the attack on the temple and the murder of the Republic officers.

Anakin: This is sedition.

Mundi: Skywalker, was there no way
to stop your Padawan before she escaped?

Anakin: No, Master Mundi, my, brother had a hand in her escape, but I don't know where he is now

Yoda: The Council believes that Ahsoka may be guilty of the crime, still believe they are wrong, do you, hmm?

Anakin: I think my brother's actions are proof enough, I believe she didn't kill the clone troopers or the woman who used the nano-droids to blow up the temple. That's why she's running. To prove her innocence, Y/n was convinced that a Jedi was involved

Tarkin: Now she's in the lower depths. He must be protecting her, we must interrogate him for information

Obi Wan: That would only tighten his resolve and the last time I remember Admiral he doesn't like you it would only encourage him more

Yoda: Two teams we will send. Skywalker and Master Plo Koon, with clones you will go.

Windu: I think it would be best if Skywalker stayed here. Having you involved may actually make things worse.

Anakin: Master Windu, with all due respect, That's my Padawan.

Windu: The reason for you not to go.

Plo Koon: I think we're being foolish if we take Y/n off this mission. Who knows her best

Windu: He's emotionally tied to her Probably too emotional to do what needs to be done.

Mundi: Skywalker, You must prove to us that you will stay focused. Can you?

Anakin: I've already alerted security on the lower levels to be on the lookout for Ahsoka and but Y/n I don't think I'll be able to stop him

Windu : Go swiftly then, Skywalker, and bring back this lost child before it is too late, alert us if she will not cooperate

Anakin: Yes, Master.

Yoda: Young Skywalker, talk alone, I shall

Not long after Y/n was sent to the Jedi temple where he was waiting to be reprimanded for his actions but only to find Yoda sitting in his chair waiting

Y/n: Master Yoda, you, summoned me

Yoda: Care for Ahsoka Tano you do?

Y/n looked at Yoda puzzled unsure how to answer his question but he knew there was no denying what Yoda already knew

Y/n: Yes Master, I know it's not the Jedi way but, there's something about this connection we have the council can't understand

Yoda: Take action you do, to save Ahsoka, you must

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