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It had been a few weeks since the crisis on Naboo and Ahsoka had forgave Y/n rather quickly unlike Anakin who was still distant on the subject but Y/n didn't care much since everything was rather back to normal, but he couldn't help but shake a terrible feeling that something bad was coming, his appetite and concentration had dropped which was concerning everyone

Obi Wan and Y/n were inside the library alone while Anakin and Ahsoka were off planet, he could see Y/n was struggling with concentrating as his eyes dart about the room like his was searching for something

Obi Wan: You look troubled

Y/n: Huh, oh, yeah, I'm trying to find what I'm feeling

Obi Wan's interest peaked

Obi Wan: Focus your mind, what do you see

Y/n closed his eyes to focus on the force to show him what he's feeling and seeing

Y/n: I'm feeling, angry, rage, I see, a man, red skinned, yellow eyes

Suddenly Obi Wan received a message from Yoda to join him in the council chambers where he had some grave news, upon arriving Obi Wan could tell by the grand masters expression it was disturbing, the three turned to a recording that revealed a red and black man with mechanical legs and with Savage Opress with a dozen hostiges until the red man cut off all their heads, the man was Darth Maul

Maul: There will be more innocent blood
on your hands, Kenobi, unless you come here, face me. Come alone and if you do not, this world will burn

Obi Wan: I have to go.

Windu: Not alone you're not. We'll send a task force with you

Obi Wan: No, you see what he's capable of. He's a broken, unbalanced monster. I've dealt with himbefore. I can do it again

Windu: I disagree. This is clearly a trap

Yoda: Against my better judgment, agree with Master Kenobi, I do. Finish what he started long ago, Obi-Wan must

Obi Wan: I'm off to Raydonia

Windu: Master Yoda, if this is indeed Darth Maul, his capture is far too important to leave it to Obi-Wan alone.

Yoda: Mmm. Not alone will Kenobi be, an ally he will have. Apprentice of his will join him, trust the Force, we must

As Obi Wan was about to enter the ship that he had commissioned, he found someone who he really didn't want to see at this moment of time

Y/n: So, where we going?

Obi Wan: I'm going alone, and you will be staying here

Y/n let out a forced laugh as he followed Obi Wan inside the ship and taking the pilots chair

Y/n: As if, I know it's got something to do with what I saw so you're not going alone

Obi Wan: No, I'm going alone and that's the end of it, do as your told and leave

This rather sudden out burst from Obi Wan took Y/n a little back as he's never raised his voice at him before and knew this must be serious, Obi Wan looked down feeling awful before returning his eyes on the teen

Obi Wan: I'm sorry, but please, do as I say and stay here where it's safe

Y/n: Master, who is this guy that's making you all nervous

This was an old wound to Obi Wan, remembering the death of his master and fearing the same for his current apprentice

Obi Wan: A long time ago a Sith lord came to Naboo to oversee the occupation until Padme led a resistance to retake Theed while I and my Master Qui Gon Jin fought the Sith lord, Qui Gon was killed by the Sith lord leaving me to kill him, so I thought until he sent a message telling me to come alone otherwise he'll kill everyone else on the planet Raydonia

Star Wars The Clone Wars Rise Of A JediOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora