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The library was filled with fallen books across the floor and Y/n with Ahsoka laying naked in the mixed pile of books, Ahsoka ran her fingers along his familiar scars and some new ones which made her worried as she looked at his face.

Ahsoka: I thought you were healing again?

Y/n: It was temporary, I was burned out after Maui and a lot of my abilities were gone for a while, I had to learn new ways to doing things, that's when I met a group of Assassins who followed the old ways of the Jedi and protect their world from chaos, they taught me how to survive without my abilities and they gave me what I have now.

Ahsoka felt horrible and more responsible for not being there for him now even more than before as her eyes watered.

Ahsoka: I'm sorry Y/n, these two years have made me think about alot about why didn't I just stay with you and everyone and maybe helped against the council like you did for me, but I guess, I was scared.

This made him think about the memories that Altiar had shared in the keys and suddenly came to a realisation.

Y/n: We have to stop letting fear guide our actions, we must be better than those before us and show everyone that theres a better way.

Ahsoka lifted up her head and smiled

Ahsoka: Now your starting to should like the guy I loved, and even more importantly, a Jedi.

Y/n once again was stuck in his thoughts again thinking about everyone that he had seen recently, when he thought about it felt like those memories were like meant for him, just that's impossible, Altiar was a millennium ago, how could a set of memories be for him, could Altiar see the future or, did the artifact show him the future, he was brought out of his thoughts when Ahsoka kissed his cheek and began to gather up her clothes so he did the same then proceeded to tidy up the library with her before leaving.

Having discovered Tarik Barleti's involvement in a weapons deal with Manuel Palaiologos. Y/m traveled back to Prince Suleiman I to tell him of his discoveries, as he arrived Suleiman and Ahmet were playing a game of chess.

Ahmet: That's not a legal move.

Suleiman: It is a Republic variation. Castling.

Ahmet: It's interesting, but not exactly fair when you play by different rules than your opponent.

Suleiman: You may think differently when you are King. Shall I take it back?

Ahmet: Suleiman, I know it has been hard on you, watching your father and me quarrel over the Achtonorren throne.

Suleiman: Grandfather has chosen you, and his word is law. What is there to argue about?

Ahmet: Your father and I were close once, but his cruelty and ambition have made.

Suleiman: I have heard the rumors, uncle.

Ahmet: Well, I have a meeting with the viziers soon. Shall we continue another time?

Suleiman: Whenever you like.

Y/n walked up to Suleiman as Ahmet left.

Suleiman: Y/n.

Y/n: Tarik has been selling guns to a local. Manuel Palaiologos.

Suleiman: Palaiologos... that is a sad sound. The last Achtonorren Emperor was Constantine Palaiologos. If his heir is arming a militia of some kind, this conflict will escalate.

Y/n: Tarik knows where the rifles are headed. If I find him first, I can follow the weapons straight to the Separatists.

Suleiman: He will be with his Janissaries in their barracks. So if you want to get close, you will have to be one yourself.

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