East Coast Beaches And Fireworks

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Makayla's POV

"Arrgghh! Why does she have to tease me with French, im so going to find away to somehow translate what she says" I said to myself as I took out the fuel pump from the car's petrol tank. That was one of the four tanks I'd filled up, before filling up the car I filled up atleast three jerry cans. Hey, why not take extra fuel when your going to need it down the track. I bet those Russians would have been stealing our fuel from all of the service stations back home. "That'll be $80" the guy behind the counter said. "Remind me why I'm here again. Oh! That's right, to get stupid fuel and some more food" I asked my brain and thought about what I was doing again. I walked back to the car and met Sky around the corner, it took a couple minutes to rearrange things but we pushed on and when we reached Bundaberg I grabbed out a pack each of the two different coloured fireworks. "So what's your big plan hey?" Sky questioned as she helped flattend out and compact a surface for us to launch the rockets off. I don't know if sand was compact enough to launch the so I grabbed a heap of the cardboard that used to be the packaging and stuffed it under the sand to try and make make it firmer.

"I think that's firm enough! How many do you want to launch!"Sky screamed from the car as she loaded her arms full of fireworks. I ran over and grabbed and arm load of yellow fireworks while she sat down her armful careful not to get any sand near the fuse end. "That should be enough! Can you set them out about a metter apart each, two green than two yellow! Repeat the pattern until we running out!" While she got to work doing what I said while I grabbed the extension cable for the fuse and linked them all together. In theory when I lit the fuse the cable would burn until it reached each fireworks fuse and boom, they'd launch into the sky. "OKAY GET BACK!" I screamed as the sizzling could be heard of the cable fuse burning. We hit the deck behind the cars and sand went flying as the colourful explosives were launched into the sky, their colours still fadding out in the sky as we drove away. All the way up the coast we'd light fireworks on fire until we got to our town and met up with the rest of our friends."Gezz if I didn't know it was you's lighting and setting off those fireworks I would've shat myself for the last two nights wondering who was out there! Fucking hell, how many did ya manage to get?" Lachlan questioned when he saw Sky.

"I don't know why don't you ask mon amour right here!" I joked nodding towards Sky who whirled around when I spoke the French words. She gave me an incredulous look as if she didn't know I would know those famous French words and she knew exactly what I had said. You hear people say my love in French from famous lines or where ever it came from. I finished with unloading the car and brought out the map of town to explain my stupid plan for tonight. "Alright who wants to go on a team mission for once? Last night me and Sky launched fireworks on the last bit of coastline we could before here, now we need to launch them around town and Gracemere as well as along the front beach here. We can split off into teams of three around town but I want all of you back he we before I launch the last batch of fireworks here" I explained my plan amd imeaditly they started arguing with me. "No Makayla! Your not going to be able to launch them on your own even with the extension fuze cable, let alone moving all of them into position! The Russians would be on you as soon as they see the colours light up the sky!" Felicity tried to argue with me.

"Fine. You can help launch them then" I stated then rolled up the map sticking it in my canvas rucksack I bought and stuffed my jumper in with it and a few flares we had salvaged from an abandoned Russian trench and went to find the shovel. We worked in teams of three I had suggested and when Flic light our batch of fireworks and they launched into the sky Ivy radioed in. "Can I launch mine now!" Ivy eagerly shouted over the radio. I nodded and Flic replied "Yesh go ahead mi querida". I've never heard Flic say that in a while, I smirked knowing exactly what it ment. Seconds later their group launched into the sky lighting it up with the colours yellow and green. The rest headed back while me and Felicity tried to fit twenty fireworks of each colour onto rocks in the dark almost without light and little space. We opted to try the start of the boat ramp on the back beach near the camper trailer park and we used the little road along the beachfront. Twenty times two different colours lit up the sky and it was kind of amazing to see, I held the Go-pro up more trying to get more of the spectacle on camera. We used the go-pros we had found in already raided stores to record our journey incase we didn't make it or we got captured and we could hide this in a spot and come back for them or someone else would find them later on and show what we did, what we had tries to do to fight for our Country.

I went to sleep that night very late and very excited and exhausted. But I felt like we had done the things we needed to do eventhough potentially giving away our location to the Russians, albeit that was the main thing I was worried about. A super loud whistling sound and a roaring sound could be heard outside the tent and it sounded like it kept passing over us, I shivered as I quickly shoved on my tack pants and went out of the tent to look at what was making this noises at this time in the morning. Jets. American ones, the only way we could tell if they had come because they were intrigued by our signal or something else. If they showed up that ment the USA military was joining the fight and it was no brainer really who's side they were in. But if they were here something was either very bad or very good. "Guys! Get your fucking asses out here now! The American's are here!" I literally screamed not carrying if anyone beside the group heard me right now. They all came rushing out to see the planes fly over and I showed them how to identify them as Americans. "One things for sure we've got to get in touch with the allies now!" Lachlan shouted, he was all happy and geeking out over the planes flying over in thr rissing sun. "NEW OBJECTIVE!" I shouted, making it clear what our new task was. But right now I was going to stand here astoished and marvel at the planes flying over while witching for any signs they were looking for us.

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