I Can't Believe This

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I was in music class.

We were just about to start doing prac with the guitars when the booming sounds started. 

Miss told us to take cover under our desks and wait for the fire alarm as the lockdown alarm rang out its usual message. I was wondering how she heard it outside because the whole building was sound proofed, so any sound inside wouldn't be as loud as normal but that also meant the lockdown song sounded like someone murmuring the lyrics from outside. Not very convenient. 

And my idiot classmates were not taking this seriously either, we rarely had lockdowns and if we did it was a practice. "Oi! Shut up, now! This is not a practice! It is real so start acting like it!" My teacher hissed at them and fear spread across their faces. Serves them right for thinking every one is a fake.

Just wait for the real one to come and everyone will act like it's just another practice of course.

I heard something that could've been something like people shouting outside our door. That's when this went from serious to extremely serious. Our teacher moved us away from the side door into the classroom and next to the door that led into the practice rooms, the store rooms and another classroom hallway. 

I hoped my friends were safe.

Glass smashed and miss shoved us through the door and we ran throughout the hallway in a frantic panic. The windows next to the main door were smashed in and soldiers filled in after opening the locked door. 

Soldiers? What!

I ducked into an open practice room that Miss had opened earlier and shut the door, even though the lights were off they were still going to check this room and I swear they had seen me hide in here.

I stood there, hesitating for a few seconds before scrambling behind the oldest piano known to man and pulled some amps closer and stacked them up in front of me.

My chest rapidly rose and fell as I huffed out deep, soundless, uncontrollable breaths, that escaped my nose and mouth. I was hyperventilating. The sound of talking made me hold those breaths and a light flashed on. They slowly scanned through the room until they came to where I was.

I fought against the urge to move and stuck myself against the wall like a pancake as they might see me moving. The light went away-but I didn't dare move- only to come back on a few seconds later and do one last final sweep of the room. 

“Suck shit bitches! Ya missed me! Hah, thinking you could try 'nd trick me!” I thought and immediately afterwards calmed my ego down as I was nowhere as safe as I needed to be and thinking like that would get me killed; acting before fully thinking the situation through.

After what felt like an eternity I decided to try and make my way to a safer location, getting out of the building would be okay but getting out and far away from the school would be even better.

And maybe I could somehow check on my family in Gracemere. I slowly crept out of my hiding spot and towards the door. No one came in the two minutes I waited so I decided to try and make it out of the door and to in between a shipping container and bike rack enclosure. Then I'd worry about the gate in front of me.

As I left the door heavy footsteps made me look to my right, I squealed and ran back inside. I had nowhere to hide in the precious few seconds I had before they passed me so I ducked underneath the old desk on my left and hoped for the best. I had seen someone in our uniform run around the corner and straight towards me. I wanted to know if someone was following them but I didn't want to stay and find out only to be shot dead.

There in front of me was the one and only Makayla. She was leaning against the inside of the door frame as she slid into a crouch. I'd heard someone run past so she must have doubled back, I saw her chest was rising and falling rapidly so she had to have been sprinting. 

I clambered out of my hiding spot and was about to give her a hug when an exhausted Felicity came barrelling towards me, almost knocking me off my feet with a bone crushing hug.

Sometime later we were entering Felicity's Place in a ‘borrowed’ car that Makayla had found keys to. We'd stocked up enough food for an entire month but with the seven of us it wasn't going to last more than a week, likely.

I had been to my house to get as much stuff as I wanted and could, to bring with me after Makayla and Sky got back. The sun had been about to dip beyond the horizon, amd frankly none of us wanted to be out here at night. We  wouldn't have the power from homes lights to guide us either.

We'd been cooking some drumsticks or chicken legs in a frying pan over the dying fire as the power was out  while Makayla and Felicity kept it going with a fresh pile of kindle and sticks whenever it was close to going fully out.

And God forbid anyone let Makayla have another chicken leg. She was on her third and she ate them like she was a hyena with meat, I've never seen her this hungry.

Someone complained about dessert later; Makayla got up to get something out of her dads car.

"What the fuck is she getting? She better not be getting nothing, let alone something that's not food!" Flic and Ivy grumbled while me and Aquila laughed as Makayla took her time searching through what suspiciously sounded like the shopping bags.

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