Sky's What?

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Makayla's POV:

"Hey Sky! Do you want to help me with the cast net and the pots?" I asked her as I started readying the boat.

"Sure, just let me get my fishing shirt, I don't want to get sunburnt again. We all know how that went last time I went to the beach." she reminded us and I snickered at the memory of a tomato red Sky showing up to class after she'd forgotten to put sunscreen on.

I too, remember when I thought I had put enough on. It was grade ten leadership camp and we went canoeing for two hours and fifteen minutes- lets just sat I was reader than a tomato. And it hurt like shit- not to mention my whole skin peeling and now I have a permanent tan on my arms and the back of my hands.

"I wanna come!" Ace shouted from her hammock as if just registering what I said.

I rolled my eyes as I said, "Sure Ace, just don't do anything stupid. And that means you going for what you call a planed swim. That's I would call you being a little bitch." I told her.

She threw the twig at me that she was using to amuse herself through her bordem and slipped out of her hammock.

"Sky can you steer while Ace unravels it and I drop it into the water?" She nodded and we switched positions while Ace grabbed the bucket with the next in it. We went further down the creek, near the entrance and the boat ramps. At the end of the first turn coming our way we dropped off a crab pot on each side, saving the last two for either side of the cast net. An hour later we decided to check the cast net as it was very low tide. I pulled up the net near the mangroves and three fish flooded in response to being out of the water. I quickly identified them as two Mangrove Jacks and one just big enough Barramundi. After ending their life I put them in the fish bucket, I surprised myself by knowing which fish they were but what really surprised me was how they weren't all babby Barramundis. Normally that was all you'd catch.

I pulled up another section of the net and Sky shouted "Makayla! Just above the water! Look at the fricken crab!". I looked down to where she mentioned the crab was. "OI! Bloody hell, how'd did he stay on! Mate's hangin on for dear ife! Mr Crabbie must've grabbed ahlod of the net as we pulled it up, Ace can you get the hook stick thing" I said what I was thinking out loud. I used the hook-on-a-stick thing, probably to grab the crab pot's rope from places you don't want your hands, and let him attach his other claw to the hook so he wouldn't go anywhere soon and tried to find out what gender it was. " Ahhh...triangle! What do you guys think that means?" I asked them, wanting to know if they knew the difference between the crab genders. "Ooh is he big enough!" Ace shouted and for thst Sky shit her on the head with the stick-hook she had taken. "Of course he's bigg enough! Look at the size of his frickin claw! His triangle is as almost big as my hand" Sky told Ace.

The sun shone through the tent's tarp, through my eyelids. I tries to go back to sleep but I couldn't so I got up and got dressed in some knee length shorts and an exercise shirt. Unzipping and zipping up the tent as quiet as I could I left my hoodie and a blanket in my hammock for later when I wanted to relax and be warm, the fire started after six strokes and I grabbed a bunch of sticks to keep it alight while I trained. Fastening the sheath's belt to my waist I made sure my short sword was on my right side as I was left handed.

Dragging the stupid, ridiculously heavy log that we had used yesterday for target practice to somewhe far away from the tent but close enough to the camp I was surprised I didn't wake anyone. I hacked and slashed at the log for what felt like hours but was only barely even one, I sirously need longer workouts if I'm gonna tire at one hour's in. Giving up on my training I decided to access the damage to my blade and see if I could sharpen it. There wasn't that much damage surprisingly but it did need a good sharpen, after sharpening it using one of the sharpening kits we found and following the instructions I washed my sweaty self off as much as I could before chucking on my hoodie and hopoimg into my hammock underneath the blanket.

Sky came out a few minutes later as the sun was now fully risen in the now blue sky. "Have fun traing or get too cold? Though how did you do that arc around your head?" She said still smirking from her earlier remark. "If you must know, no I didn't get too cold I simply just gave up exhausted after and hour. And as for the arc trick, I'd rather not teach anyone that as we'd all be missing an arm or decapitated!" I whispered. She noded to say she understood and headed over to standing log. I even heard her mummer "Gezz this must've been some hour long workout if the cuts in the log are almost two inches deep!". As she practiced I watched her from my hammock underneath my warm blanket and hoodie, eventhough it was just the end of Autumn you could see your breath and it was colder than usual. I guess that's because nothing's working around here now which means nothing to heat up the atmosphere and now it's naturally changing seasons.

I shivered as she slashed at the log with her forhand and then switched to her backhand, I would not want to be the person on the other end of thst blade, she was moving it really fast. I continued to watch as her muscles worked the blade in and out of the log. And how can she stay looking so hot! I thought. Suden realisation hit me and I scolded myself outloud. "NO Makayla! Noooo ! Naughty, we are not falling in love with another girl that you have no shot at!" I murmured to myself and punching my leg. It seemed five minutes later Sky was finished with her workout and left the log almost halfway cut. She'd hit the log in one of my previous cuts and it had significantly deepened the cut further. "Wow, I didn't know you had a grudge against that log!" I joked as she walked over to my hammock. She gave a sarcastic laugh before giving my hammock a not so soft nudge. "What was that for?" I hissed at her. "For being cheeky and I've gota say, seeing you workout, especially with a something-like-a-sword is......intriguing" she mussed and went off to rinse off her sweat. I threw a stick at her back and as she turned around I asked "Oh! So I'm intriguing now am I?". She just smirked and kept walking while shaking her head. Her red cheeks once again caught my eyes. Was that her blushing?

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