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Makayla's POV

We ran until our lungs gave out. We had ran around and doged cars in this underground car park but there was no way out, every exit we found more of them were already there. "This seems more like some American CIA Shit rather than some group trying to peaceful and calmly take 'refugee' kids to that refugee camp in the showgrounds!" Sky shouted from behind as she slid over the top of a cars bonnet otherwise she would've made it through the gap between the two cars. "Hah, last time I was there, it was for my nineth birthday I think and we went to the one and only famous Ekka! Some of us got sick afterwards!" I reminisced as Sky caught up. She laughed and gave me a push on the back to keep moving. We ran and ran to each exit we thought was free only to be cornerd once again, I was about to give up when I saw a probable exit. The only thing was that it was a half a meter concrete brick wall and chainlink fence beyond that on another chest high wall. "Sky! Sky! Sky! The wall. The wall, it may be our only way out!" I whispered as I held Sky back from jumping threw the gap to the lower level below us. It wasn't a far drop, only about enough room for a car to fit under. "But that's going to take some sirous ninja warrior stuff to get over!" She hissed back. "Up for a little Parkour are we? A little training session?" I half joked and she lightly punched me in the arm. "Alright Storror! Let's see what you've got!" Sky teased again and flashed one of her characteristic Sky grins when she was about to do something stupid.

"Love the little parkour reference there, but I'd appreciate it if you were apart of that demistation you want" I teased back, giving her a light pat on the shoulder. When she wasn't looking I quiclky grabbed her waist and hooked my right foot around her left ankle, swiping her feet off the floor and she landed with a grunt. "Hey! What have I told you about 'yeah we know you can do that move but we'd like it if you'd stop dropping us onto our asses every chance you get in training or not'? Help me up will you, and save that move for the morons trying to find us in this maze! mon beau coup de coeur" She said and if faked letting her drop again. "And what have I told you 'just because I'm learning a different language dosen't mean you need to go and learn French' huh?" I whispered back. "My mum, ahh..she....she could speak more than three different languages quite well. Ah, I wanted to learn French cause she love other languages so much but then she got sick...." Sky faltered. I gave her a quick sorry hug and then we sprinted using all of our strength left to gain more speed. "STOP! PLEASE WE JUST WANT TO TALK!" one of the six shouted as they ran after us after spoting us. "When you get the the wall put your hands down first!" I shouted through what remained of my ragged breath. I reached the wall first and planted my hands down ignoring the pain it caused from slapping the concrete, using my momentum I hauled myself up and waited for Sky to join me. The wall on the otherside had the chainlink fence behind it which would make an excellent hand hold if we over balanced on the landing, a couple of the kid refugee scouts had caught up shouted behind us and I gave one last shout before jumping. "OH Fuck! Fuck! fuck!" I thought as I flew in the air over to the brick wall, it looked like I was going to miss it. Then with a thud that hurt my ankles my feet landed together on the wall and I crouched down to lessen the shock on my body and the chance of falling off then I grabbed the fence to hold me there.

Sky jumped across and I think what words came out of her mouth did my justice, with a grunt she landed and grabbed hold off the fence so she didn't fall off. And then we climbed up and over the fence from or higher point landing on the ground floor parking lot outside. We ran for as long and as far as our legs could carry us, we only made it half a block away before we tired out and practically died trying to regain our breath. "Bus stop up ahead, lets see when next bus comming" Sky huffed out and I walked over to the time schedule with sore and tingling legs that I could barely walk on. The next bus was coming today was at 1pm and when I checked my watch I managed to chuckle. It was 1pm. "Now. And that must be it there, lets see if it'll take us to the street before the camping grounds" I huffed out still dying from running. A mainly white bus with a thick blue line running around its bottom and  yellow surrounded the front except for the blue border running around it. I started to remember these buses  and when I was little we caught then around, it had a fully yellow back to. "Good afternoon, where can I take you's two ladies?" The bus driver asked and I responded with "Could you take us to the stop at the end of Daintree Street please?". "Sure that'll be $4:50 thanks" and when I gave him the money he smiled before closing the door. It was a twice as much more to catch a bus here than home but that's what I expected for  Brisbane being an actual city.

Sitting down in In some seats halfway up the back where it was less crowded by other people we finally relaxd a bit. The bus trip seemed to take a while but in the end we eventually got off at our stop and entered our tent a few taken spots down when we were sure no-one was looking after walking down the block." I'll pay a thousand dollars not to do that again! I barely got any new clothes! And everything's so expensive!" Sky whined while she chucked her haul onto her bed. She grabbed her shower bag and said she'll be only a few minutes."Great, first day here and were already being chased! What the fuck else do we need! Nevermind, in checking up on the updates their posting, hope the guys are okay" I chided to myself. Whenever two or more of us went on a mission the rest if the group would lay really low and that ment just sitting around the fire eating or sleeping and staying hidden. We didn't go out and hunt for our food along the river but we used our stash of long lasting preserved food and a couple of the MRE meals we managed to find. The only time they would exit the camp would be to feed the dogs in the middle of the night and even that was risky because they would get all excited. I hoped we could get this over with soon and go back with a couple days. I scrolled along the news articles talking about how Russian units were being blown up, it seemed like they didn't have any idea who it was either and that was old news for me compared to the new updates coming in almost every hour. Then something caught my eye, tonight's 6pm news. And the title said 'Teenage refugees escaped, Russia's continus retreat and what the Australian army has found at these blowen up Russian soldier positions'. I chucked my phone onto my bed.  Teenage refugees escaped! That better not be us or were fucking doomed!

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