Not Your Ordinary Fireworks

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The sound of the engine churning was all I could hear as I followed the dingy truck compared to our military vehicles along the road doing way more than the assigned speed limit, I'd reckon we'd get over twenty tickets and I was almost maxing out the cars speed limit. Explosions made me jolt and my head went in between my hunched shoulders as I continued following Sky in the vehicle infront and we both put all of our might into pushing that pedal through the floor. I didn't even have to open the dirverside car door before the sound of firework and artillery explosions asulted my ear drums. The whizzing sounds of the fireworks themselves being launched into the sky and flung up sounded like screams of little children and when someone was tuning a clarinet and or a saxophone and the note ended up squeaking. "Oh my fucking god! You stay hear and I'll catch a ride in, don't worry I have an idea!" I screamed over the sounds that filled the air, it sounded like an out of time and tune concert band with the drums and the squeaks but otherwise it sounded horrible.

"Like your ideas have always been sane Makayla! I bet you don't even have a full plan put together!" Sky shouted back over the horrendous noise. She was right, I only had bits and pieces of a plan put together and for it to work it would mostly rely on my luck. A truck holted and soilders spilled out before they faned out and waited for the gate to be oppend, taking my opportunity I saw I ran and jumped up onto the back tailgate and into the canopied back of the truck. Risky I know, I couldn't see outside but I made sure I could see if my exit was clear. Once the truck passed the first huge doors to the loading dock I climbed out ever so quickly but quietly as I could and when I made sure I wasn't going to be spotted I dropped off the truck and ran like Forrest Gump over to the collarbone high platform. The besser blocks held no places for me to find a foothold or a handhold in and so I crept along the walls until I found the ladder at the end of the bay's. The forklift noise would draw to much attention now that only gunfire erupted in occasional intervals, so I hefted a pack of twenty-four like the firework packages and lugged it over to the only roller door that wasn't open and face the exit gate. When the gunfire went off I would hide and wait for a couple minutes for it to settle before risking my life again, the hardest thing was finding which colour was which and the two colours we wanted. Every single label I checked on each packet seemed to decide it didn't want to corporate with me and was the furtherst colour from the two I needed.

"What colour are you? I swear if your another pink one again I am going to launch you at a truck!" I hissed as I hauled my atleast one hundredth packet off the piles. I had a whole conversational-rant in my head when I finally saw the sticker plastered to the plastic wrapping. YELLOW. In about three different languages, with more determination this time I careted about fifty of the packages to the door and looked for my while focusing on finding green coloured ones. The words that were said in my head weren't ready to be said in public yet when I found the green stash, I was halfway in the pile and standing ontop of a crate that was supposed to be put in a trailer in January. "Awww! Ahhh! How am I gona get you's out now!" I complained when I finally finished with another fifty packages of green fireworks. Then something caught my eye in the corner as I looked around. Those carting things shopping centres use to transport stock around, if I could pile most of the firework package's themselves on. And use it to transport them down the ramp at the end of the dock and use the gunfire as cover to mask the sound of the wheels moving I could get me and the fireworks out of here. As the next gunfire erupted I pulled with all my might and started to pick up pace towards the ramp, reaching it I realised I wouldn't be able to stop on it so I'd have to wait for a particularly long set of gunfire.

I waited for a second before the burst ended. "That was the longest set yet and it didn't even last five seconds!" I hissed to myself who was now at the edge of the ramp with the cart ready to take my ankles out if I moved it the slightest bit anymore. A few minutes later and a burst of gunfire erupted but before I could move it stopped and another one started so I waited for another one to start then sent it, the bursts of gunfire was now coming in waves and when it stopped for five seconds so did I. Grunting I heaved the thing to the fence just as the last bit of gunfire died out, I hadn't really thought this far ahead and thought I'd probably be killed by now so I stood around for a few seconds like a dead man. When an idea came to my head I rushed to the road, instead of heading off to where Sky eas I took off my headlamp thst I'd used inside to see and flashed it two times every five seconds I counted. The next thing I knew the dingy truck rolled to a stop next to me and Sky jumped out. "How'd you do that without the engine?" I questioned as she smirked at me and looked around for potential threats. "It's called taking the handbrake of and giving it a little push, tad dah, you've got a moving vehicle without engine running" she explained and gestured inside with a sideways nod of her head and a glance with her eyes. To stop shwe'd just simply pulled the handbreak up and turned the key in the ignition the way for engine off and pulled it out even though she didn't mention it I knew what she had done.

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