Acdental Or Not?

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Felicity's POV:

Makayla wanted us to collect some firewood while she, Sky and Ace helped finish setting up camp. I wouldn't be surprised if it was all a ploy just to get me with Ivy. Alone!

Ivy already had her armful of twigs and was admiring the veiw from the creeks edge while I finished with my load. "Hey Earth to Ivy! I'm done!" She didn't hear me so I through a stick at her back which caused her to turn around, of course.

She made her way up the bank and threw a stick back at me. Ivy tried to come closer but she tripped on a tree root. Landing ontop of me. Pinning me!

I went reder than an apple, my cheeks were burning, like lava had been poured onto them. All I could do was focus on where her glistening brown eyes were, examining my body.

After a few seconds I tried to get up but she said, "Bag girl." the words almost breathless escaped her mouth which only caused me to panic more.

I was stunned, frozen on the stop. Help! Move body MOVE! My body stayed where it was as my mind raced. She moved in even closer, so close I don't know how our noses weren't touching and I could feel her breath escaping her mouth and onto me. Elation spread through my body as we stayed in this one spot.

We stayed in this position for who knows how long. After what felt like ages but probably was only a couple of minutes, she got up and let me get off the ground. The others were probably looking for us so we walked back to camp very awkwardly with our arms loaded with sticks.

I dusted myself off as much as I could with a bunch of sticks in my hand.

"Not. A. Word." I hissed at her.

Ivy laughed quietly. "Of course."

"Deal." I grumbled as we aproached the others.

None of us talked anymore; we dumped our piles near a newly dug  two meter deep hole with probably the same width. The outside was lined with giant rocks to keep the fire contained. Makayla came over from setting up her last camouflage tarp. We were using them to hide the camp-site as much as we could but also keep things like branches and rain from hitting us. We had two over the big tent, one over the fire and one Makayla had just put up in between. So we could walk around camp without worrying about anything.

"Can you put some of the littlest ones in underneath the palm tree husk, don't bother to try and make a teepee out of them." she said as she used her new tan tactical combat boots to keep the cardboard inplace while she ripped it up with her hands.

I couldn't help but inwardly laugh at Sky's reaction to this. The girl was glued to watching her arms, her eyes were glistening with god olny knows what and she continued to take in those muscles, admiring Makayla while she could.

She was even blushing!

Stiffled laughter could be heard beside me and Sky looked over at us, giving us the death glare before carrying on with her job as Jetski was done with the cardboard. Ace had watched the whole seen play out from her hammock near Sky and began to chastise her for how noticeable her admiration was.

"Why aren't you using matches? It would be so much easier." Ivy said as Jetski continued to strick the flint and steel.

"If I used matches they would all be gone within a week and doesn't hurt to learn now when I have a back up option." she aswnered Ivy's question, earning blank faces blinking at her in return.

We were kicking ourselves right now that we hadn't thought of that.

Makayla scrapped some flint onto the palmtree husk and than struck the flint and steel once more to have it ignite like a stove in a professional kitchen. Where the fire comes roaring out of the stove.

At Makayla's silent instruction- she looked at me, then the pile of twigs, then back to me. I placed more of the tiny twigs onto the fire and gradually adding some big enough sticks so that it would last for a while.

Me and Ivy cooked whatever we could find for lunch in the depths of every eski while Aquila kept unloading supplies from the cars. While Makayla, Sky and Ace went to set up the cast net and put some crab pots out. They all climbed into the boat before Makayla took to the front to push it out, stepping into the yucky, cocholately brown water. She put alot of trust into those reef boots she was wearing as she decended down the bank in its mudy sludgey quagmire. Once she was around knee deep in the water she got the others to hold the boat steady while she, herself, jumped in. After a while of beeing a beached whale she successfully made it into the boat and began to start the motor.

And to think she was studdying for a boat licence.

An hour later Ace came back and told us all the gossip that happened during their trip while Sky and Jetski cleared and packed up the cast net.

"The whole time Sky wouldn't stop staring at Makayla when she wasn't looking and when she wasn't looking I was getting beaten up by a very, very red faced Sky. Hah, you should've seen the looks Jetski gave Sky when she wasn't paying attention or Makayla's full on glances every five seconds. Those two, I don't know how! Have not ended up as a couple yet!"

"It's soo fricking obvious that they like eachother!" I luaghed.

"Ahhh... hide me! Don't let Sky see me! She's still tryna beat me up about the last comment I made!" Ace said full on panicking to get out of her hammock and jumping in mine.

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