Wait Who?

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Makayla's POV:

I was running so fast I swear the world around me was flying past. I was like Usain Bolt.

As I ran around the corner towards the music block I heard someone squeal and saw them run back inside the music block.

I couldn't help but run back to try and help them, Flic and Sky gave me confused looks but didn't question why until they caught up. After all this was a pretty big ordeal to go through- and some students were children.

"What! Are they around the corner! Can you see them! Are they coming?” Felicity tried her best not to raise her voice too loud but enough volume as I approached them inside the doorway.

I was too focused on who was in infront of me to pay her words really any attention, "What the fuck! Maka- ACE! My child!"

She stopped her questions and launched herself at our friend in grade eight, practically her 'adopted' child.

"I didn't know it was you who ran back inside! I guess you thought I was someone else! And since your three grades below us we wouldn't have a clue where we’d be." I said theroised, trying to find out why Ace had ducked back inside.

"I thought you were someone running from a soldier, well, I guess you guys kind of are. Or an actual soldier. Otherwise I would've lunged at you for a hug. God, I thought you had been captured!” she explained and I swear I saw a tear slide down her cheek.

"I'm not sure that would be a good idea. Luckily you didn't cause I don't think you'd be standing.” Sky mussed and everyone giggled.

"Come on, we gotta get moving!" I huffed out while I walked into the staff room and rifled around, looking for something.

"Uhh...... Makayla what are you doing?" Ivy asked.

"Okay you need to tell me right now! Am I going insane? Like is this actually happening?" I shouted.

"MAKAYLA! You're not going insane! You’re not hallucinating! This is real! This is actually fucking happening! Now, tell me, what the fuck are you doing?" Felicity lectured me.

"Ahaa!" I grinned as I held up a pair of car keys for them to see.

Felicity blinked in surprise and I saw Sky raise her eyebrows, narrowing her eyes from the opposite side of the half glass wall.

"Nice one Makayla! We better hurry!" Sky said, slapping me on the back and taking the keys once I exited the office.

“Someone please tell me what’s happening! Oh….”Flic stopped questioning once she saw where we were heading.

We ran into the teacher's parking lot and figured out which car these keys belonged to.

"I think we should get as many supplies as we can, while we can." I suggested and they all agreed.

I turned the car out of the parking area and headed up to the IGA shop nicknamed 'Wandal' up the road.

"I know it's not the best place, it will be packed here but the shopping center will be crumbling from the weight of people there! And this will most likely have been cleared already." I explained to their confused faces.

I was right, this place was packed full of its normal day stock. But no people.
No one was buying anything, no one was just hoarding and grabbing as much as they could.

All free for us to loot. But how much time did we have? Standing here, gawking, didn’t help.

“We don’t have much longer in here. We're running on borrowed time!”

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