Not Only Australian's

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I woke up to the sound of fighter jets flying over, their engines breaking the sound barrier. "Stupid planes, one day I'm gona hijack one and crash it into their runway!" Sky muttered as she tossed her blankets of her body and stood up. "You hear and see planes fly around your house?"- at her nod I continued with my experiences-" Yeah we have jets flying around our house too, we mostly see their streaks but sometimes you see them. Sometimes commercial planes fly over as well, especially Qantas fly over our house occasionally and sometimes very very low because their going into land on the tarmac on the airport runway" I stated. She laughed and grabbed her shower bag and towl and said " Welp, I'm definitely awake now and I'm absolutely not going to go back to sleep thanks to those awsome fighter jets. So I'm going to have a shower, see you in a couple minutes" she so loved our anoying wake up call alarm clock, especially even using sarcasm. While she showered I packed up everything except the tent just incase we needed to make a quick get away and waited for breakfast because my stomach was not happy I wasn't eating food.

Sky came back a few minutes later and I went for my shower to freshen up, after that we shouldered our backpacks and headed for the closest Macca's. I didn't know how to go threw the driveway properly as I was still learning to drive. One breakfast of three bacon and egg Mc'muffins each later and we where in the factory part of town staking out the fireworks' factory. I couldn't believe how many their were. Atleast three buildings all conected made the fireworks themselves and stuffed them with the explosives from what I could tell and Sky pointed out a fourth that looked like a storage and a supply shed. "Looks like I get to go exploring after all!" I whispered excitedly before jumping up and sprinting over to the outer perimeter fence, once I reached it I laid down on the cold concrete trying to hide behind some trucks trailer wheels. "Why do they even keep producing these things if the war going? I mean, their perfect target for the Russians with all of this explosive stuff" Sky whispered once she had made her way over to me. "Maybe because they've been ordered to make as many as they can with the stock of the explosives they have left, no one would be working at a place like this in a war let alone a factory that's not that important. I'd say the only reason there here working triple time is because the government wants all the explosives gone from here so it no longer becomes a target for the Russians" I told her my explanation. We crept up to the main gate as far as we could but the gates had sensors for cars or trucks that pulled up and with we tripped on off them someone would come.

"We need a way in without getting spotted let alone them figuring out what we're doing" Sky mussed as she stab her fork into her left over lunch and shoved it in her mouth. We'd came back before the sun set and got dinner, I was still eating my chicken and Mayo roll from Red Roster and Sky was finishing up her left over lunch as she had scoffed down her chicken and Mayo roll as well. I swallowed my last bite and thought for a moment, if one of us were able to hitch a ride on a truck going in and manage to bring some out for someone waiting outside the gate further down the road with a car. "What if one of us was to wait with a supply truck while the other hitches a ride in and somehow gets into that storage and supply shipping shed. Then all well need to do is find a way after dark to load them into the back of the truck and book it out off there" I suggested once I'd sumerised my thoughts and I plopped the roll back in my mouth and teased off a huge bite. Sky nodded her agreement and kept eating her food, I guess that was the final plan after all. We didn't bother staking out the place agian because we already knew the guiest of it and we didn't want to risk being spotted so we looked for a truck that we could use to transport these fireworks in. We found out that Bunnings had rentable vans and trucks but we just didn't trust that they had a way of traking the vehicles and we needed something we could drive for more than a couple kilometres.

The sound of cars driving by roused me from my sleep enough that I felt like a sleepy zombie. I went to go back to sleep but I knew better so I listened to how many cars were passing by and eventually deemed it wasn't a convoy, laying back down in my warm and toasty sleeping bag with my head resting agian against the soft pillow trying to coax me back to sleep I realised how sore my back had gotten from sitting up in that position. I let my eyelids close and the darkness consume my eyes as I tried to get back to sleep. Then I heard one truck whiz passed, two seconds later another whined passed and the same time passed by before another whized by. My eyes flew open and I bolted up throwing the blankets off me. It was a convoy but they had actually done something smart this time by lengthing the time between each car passing by, a second later a fighter jet screamed overhead and afterwards you could hear people shouting and groaning their opinions. "FUCKING HELL! YOU GET THE GEAR IN THE CAR AND I'LL PACK THE SHIT UP!" Sky screamed after waking up from the screaming jet. The street lights only helped eliminate the road every few meters otherwise the sky was starting to have dark purple and orange mix with the black. And the streaks of fighter jets made little white lines through the morning Sky. All the gear packed we booked it all the way to the road leading back onto the highway and that's when we found an abandoned Russian truck and its two trailers which likely carried men and supplies now ditched to the side of the road. "They most likely ditched this to pick up the pace and move more quieter!" I shouted to Sky who was on the other end of the vehicle. "It still works and if we hurry we can be in and out before they know!" She shouted back jiggling the keys. Decision made.

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