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Makayla's POV:

Sky came and joined me in her hammock, that was conveniently hanging right next to mine after she rinsed off and changed into warmer clothes.

"Whatcha reading?" She asked as I flipped to the next page of my thick book.

"Uh... well obviously it's not the 'Tommorrw When The War Began' series which would be helpful but it is entertaining, it's one if the book series I took from home. It's called 'Heros Of Olympus' or the second..... you know what? I don't actually think there is a name for a book series that follows another book series practically of the sane thing, well there is saga but I don't actually think that's the right word!" I rambled on as Sky laughed about my knowledge of books.

"Sounds interesting I'd think youd have to call it a saga eventhough it's not actually just books following eachother, it's literally two relatable book series and the second series just follows after the first series." she whispered back.

"Even you explained it better!" I whined and Sky tried to stilfe a laugh.

She swung in her hammock for a couple seconds before hopping out like a kid would on a swing after they swung high enough to jump forwards. Where was going?

Sky went inside the tent and came back with a book of her own, the tittle said 'Draekora' by Lynette Noni. So, she liked the Merdoran Chronicles as well. I wonder how many times she's read the books?

"How many times you read the series?" I asked.

Sky gave me a look as if to say: Don't tell me any spoilers!

"I haven't read the whole series, just up to the third book. I was supposed to go to the book store in the shopping center but because of those Russians I didn't get a chance to the rest of the books in advance!" Sky told me as she opened her book and tried to find her page.

Well if she was wanting to read the whole series it would help if I finished the book that came after that one. I had the whole series and I wouldn't mind lending a book or a few to her- as long as she didn't damage them.

Swinging out of my hammock I jogged over to the tent and inside to were my bag was sitting on the floor in another room. The tent was one of those tents that had a main section, but on both sides it had sections that could be unzipped to reveal another section. We were currently using the right side as a storage area as the left side and the middle were big enough for people and beds to fit into.

Ace was laying on the blow up mattress, sprawled out underneath her blankets. Ivy and Felicity were spooning each other in their sleeping bags with a blanket over them. Tiny Aqulia was snuglled up in her sleeping bag fast asleep and Lachan was busy fiddling with one of those model builder kits he had brought.

He smilled when he saw me, his blue eyes lightening up and his black and ginger streaked beard with his black hair nessed up made him look homeless.

I reached into my bag and pullrd out a book. Smirking at the different possible ways Sky would react.

Sky double taked when she saw the book in my hands when I leaned back into my hammock, almost falling out for the twentieth time.

"That's....." she couldn't finish off her sentence so she kept staring.

" 'Graevale' I know. I thought if you were wanting to read the other books after you finish that one, I might as well and finish reading this one so you can read the next one while I read the next book. After all I have the whole book series even 'We Three Heros'. Just don't damage them!"  I explained to her.

Sky didn't say anything. A light shade of red and coral pink apareared on her cheeks and they continued to darken as she went back to reading her book. Although, she did read faster than usual- she wasn't skimming the pages but she was she was turning them pretty fast.

After a while it seemed to get colder and Sky decided to settle next to me in my hammock underneath the blanket, as she read she rested her head on my chest. I didn't mind though, she was comfy and happy- I didn't want to ruin that if I moved.

I heard the tent zip open and Sky sat up. Sitting up in a one person hammock that's made to almost wrap around you is hard enough but when there's another person in there with you it makes it alot harder. I almost fell out over the side. Twice.

"Finally! I was beginning to wonder if I needed to go and catch some flying foxes. The fires been settling so you can cook your pancakes or toast or whatever!" I said to a very sleepy Flic. Ace was chucking a jumper over her head when she looked confusingly at us.

The sun had rose while me and Sky rested in the samw hammock. It changed from the purple/ black and dark sky to the light orange and purple haze that painted the horizon backdrop; creating a beautiful canvas for sunrise pictures. Noe the sun had fully rose above the tree line and far above in to the sky. Becoming a beacon fornl swealtering heat and roasting our skin soon.

The tempreture had aslo rose. From the freezing eight degrees Celsius to a staggering sixteen degrees Celsius. And it was only going to get hotter.

Ace seemed to wake up enough to notice something. "Can we raid a Macca's for break- .....ARE YOU'S TWO IN THE SAME HAMMOCK!" She shouted after stopping her question halfway.

Shit! My cheeks were burning as I ducked back and into my hammock for protection against their curious eyes and slid further down. Sky jumped out so fast that her leg got stuck in the side of the hammock causing her to stumble for a few stepps.

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