Chapter Twenty

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Reader discretion is advised

A/N; Okay so information on what was going through my head while writing this chapter. So what happened was my mother had a bad day or something so she was really mad at me even tho I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING. (the reason she was mad). So I when I'm upset I'm overly dramatic and sarcastic so if you could read this chapter in a dramatic manner that'd be amazing, anyways love you. Hope you enjoy ♡♡♡


Domestic violence
●Talk about miscarriage○
○Chapter ends happily●
●Long as hell

★October 14th, XXXX★
Izuku's PoV:

Today, the dreadful October 14th had arrived once again, marking another ultrasound appointment in my journey of carrying four unwanted bastards. These appointments were a painful reminder of the burdens I had been forced to carry, and as a result, they were scheduled every 15 days to ensure the development of these unwelcome souls.

With my weary body rising from the makeshift nest that had become my refuge, I braced myself for the day ahead. Last night's sleep had been stolen from me, as the echoing moans and screams of the woman my husband had chosen to fuck. Invaded the sanctity of my restless sleep. Despite the exhaustion that clung to my every fiber, I pushed forward, determined to face whatever hideous challenges lay before me.

Seeking solace within the confines of the shower, I drew a deep breath, eagerly anticipating the few moments of respite it provided. The water cascaded over me, washing away not only the physical grime but, for a fleeting moment, also the weight of my troubles. As the gentle touch of the brush caressed my teeth and hair, I relished in the small act of self-care that reminded me of my own worth. In this private, sacred space, I felt a glimmer of the person I once was, a soul undeserving of the torment that had befallen him--Because I'm the main character.

However, the transient comfort of the bathroom was shattered as I emerged from the haven, only to find my cheating, abusive rapist of a husband waiting in my room. His audacity to venture into this forbidden territory, my sanctuary of solitude, seared my already wounded heart. No longer did this room bear the lingering traces of familiarity and tenderness; it had morphed into a haunting reminder of the desecration I had experienced.

Anger seared through my veins, fueling my determination to break free from this prison of a marriage. How dare he defile the one space I had claimed as my own? It was a violation that transcended the physical realm, cutting deep into the core of my shattered self. The remnants of trust that had clung to the vestiges of our union had been obliterated, leaving behind only contempt and a longing for the freedom that seemed so far out of reach.

As I stood before him, eyes locked in a battle of wills, I vowed to no longer submit to his horrendous whims. The light of defiance flickered within me, a solitary ember amidst the darkness. The time had come to break the chains that bound me to this monster, to reclaim my autonomy and protect the precious lives growing inside me.

I summoned courage from the depths of my wounded soul, mustering the strength to confront him. It was a precarious dance, like tiptoeing through a minefield, each step fraught with danger and uncertainty. But within this trepidation, a glimmer of hope burned bright, whispering of a future untainted by his malevolence.

And so, I faced him, my voice trembling, but my determination unwavering. "Get out," I hissed through clenched teeth, the words carrying the weight of all the pain I had endured. In that moment, I claimed my power, refusing to be belittled and abused any longer. This room, this sanctuary, would be mine again, cleansed of his toxic presence.

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