Chapter Five

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The Older Sister Syndrome, also known as "First-born Daughter Syndrome," is a phenomenon that describes a set of personality traits and behavioral patterns commonly seen in first-born daughters. Often based on cultural expectations and family dynamics, this syndrome can result in a complex set of behaviors that can either be positive or negative depending on the individual and their experiences.

One of the most common traits of the Older Sister Syndrome is a strong sense of responsibility. Since they were often the first-born child, they may have had to take care of younger siblings or had more responsibilities placed upon them from a young age. As a result, they may develop a strong sense of duty and accountability, which can manifest in their personal and professional lives.

The Older Sister Syndrome can also result in a tendency towards perfectionism. As first-born children, they may have felt pressure to excel and serve as a role model for younger siblings. This pressure can extend into adulthood, where they may set unrealistic expectations for themselves or become overly critical of their own accomplishments.

At the same time, those with the Older Sister Syndrome may also have a strong need to be in control. Having been the eldest child, they may have been accustomed to taking charge and making decisions for themselves and their siblings. This can manifest in a desire to control situations and people, which can be beneficial in some instances but can also cause tension in personal and professional relationships.

Another common aspect of the Older Sister Syndrome is a desire to please others. As the eldest child, they may have felt pressure to live up to their parent's expectations or to keep the peace within the family. This can result in a tendency to put other people's needs and desires before their own, which can lead to feelings of resentment or burnout.

Overall, the Older Sister Syndrome can be a complex set of personality traits and behaviors that are often shaped by the family dynamics and cultural expectations placed upon first-born daughters. While these traits can sometimes be negative, they can also be positive and help individuals succeed in personal and professional endeavors.

‧⁺˚*・༓☾Monday, April 22th, XXXX☽༓・*˚⁺‧

Sakuna's PoV:

This morning, as I stirred awake, a feeling of excitement bubbled within me as I recalled the events of the previous night. I found myself reminiscing about the good times with my family and the endless stream of fun-filled activities we indulged in.

The night began with us going to the mall, where we perused numerous shops and laughed our hearts out while trying on the most ridiculous outfits we could find. Then came the hunger pangs, so our mother took Izumi and I, and we went for a quiet dinner at a charming little eatery. The meal was delicious, and we shared stories and exchanged laughs over plates of savory food.

After satiating our hunger, we strolled about and chanced upon a toy store. Our inner child took over, and we couldn't resist the temptation of toy dogs that were eerily lifelike. We bought a couple and cradled them like babies as we indulged in some retail therapy. Our next stop was a candy store, where we stocked up on enough sweets to send our taste buds into sugar-induced bliss.

However, the night was far from over, and we ventured to the amusement park to continue our fun-fueled escapades. We hopped on one ride after another, screaming our lungs out and holding on to each other for dear life.

Finally, we decided to catch a few movies, and we cozy-ed up in the cinema together, laughing, crying and rediscovering movies that we had seen countless times before as if it was the first time.

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