We're Sorry

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Eventually time came for the guys show, I haven't spoken to Bill or Tom at all. They're show started and I stayed to the side of the stage. I know Tom and I we're currently in a fight with Bill, but that doesn't mean that I'm just gunna stop supporting the band and everything.

They didn't even know I was there.

I sat there as they performed, the fan's screaming back every word. I couldn't look at Bill or Tom, it would make me cry, freak out, and probably give me an anxiety or a panic attack. I sat there, singing along to my favorite songs of theirs, my eyes glued to the floor.

Things had to be fixed. I couldn't lose Bill, he was my best friend and has been my best friend for the past 9 years. And Tom, I couldn't lose Tom either, he was...he was my Tom.

I waited for the hour or so to pass. I had to talk to Bill and Bill alone. As soon as the music stopped and Bill, Gustav, Tom, and Georg said goodbye, the fans screamed hysterically for the last time, I quickly exited the stage.

I'd talk to Bill at the hotel, things were too hectic here. I walked back to the hotel silently.

When I entered the hotel, I walked over to the reception desk, I forgot the card to my room. "Hi, I forgot the card to my room." I told the lady, she smiled. "Of course, where are those boys your always around?" She asked kindly.

I liked her, she was maybe 50-ish and was always nice to me. "They just did a show." I told her. She nodded. "How are you and the one with the lip ring?" She questioned with a smile.

I smiled. "You know about that?" I asked her. She nodded. "I've got eyes dear." She said. I laughed. As I stood there talking to her, someone walked up beside me, it was a whole family. A mom, a dad, and a little boy who was maybe around 4 or 5.

I didn't get a good look at them, they were probably on vacation or something. As the receptionist continued to talk my ear off, I heard the guy talk to other receptionist that was working. My breathing caught and me eyes went wide. My world froze.

"Hi, is Alice Matin, checked into this hotel by chance?" The guy asked in an American accent that had a German essence to it. I slowly turned to look at him. I almost didn't recognize him, I mean it was hard to, we have the same fucking nose and eyes.

I spoke up, which is the last thing I wanted to do. "I-I'm Alice." I said. This caught the guy and the women's attention. I watched as they both looked at me, their eyes wide.

"Alice." My mom said. I looked down to the little boy, I didn't know who he was. "What? After practically 4 years of not talking to me, you just...magically show up?" I said, pissed.

I've been through this moment before a million times in my head, they all played out differently, but I never expected this. "We saw articles and magazine covers with you and those German hooligans doing bad things." My dad said shaking his head.

I scoffed. "I left Germany for reasons, and those German 'hooligans' are my fucking family. They're great, and have been there for me every step of the fucking way." I said.

My mom spoke. "Alice Eliza Matin, please do not cuss in front of your brother." She said, scolding me. My heart broke more. Brother.

They didn't even tell me they we're having a another baby. Tears filled my eyes. "I didn't even know I had a brother until now. I left you plenty of ways to contact me. My email, my phone number, my address." I said shaking my head.

"We want to apologize." My dad said. I shook my head. "No, alright! No, I got this far in life without you and I'm completely fine! I have a boyfriend, and amazing friends. They were there for the darkest times in my life when you weren't. I don't need an apology. And as far as I'm concerned, you don't have any parental authority over me anymore!" I told them.

"Why is that?" My dad asked. "I'm 18 now, my birthday was about 4 days ago." I said.

I then saw Bill and Tom running over to me. My heart was really hurting. "Alice? Are you okay?" Tom asked as he hugged me. I shook my head.

My parents never liked Tom, Bill, Gustav or Georg, but these idiots were my family. "You remember-you remember my parents?" I asked, questioning Bill and Tom.

I watched as Bill and Tom's eyes went wide. I shook my head. "As far as I'm concerned, they're not family anymore. They didn't even tell me I have a brother." I said glancing at the blonde headed 4 year old.

"I want to get to know my brother, but as far as I'm concerned, I don't know you two and I haven't for the last 5 years, so, with that, happy fucking birthday to me." I said as I grabbed my card from the receptionist and turned around, walking to the elevator.

Tom wrapped an arm around me and kissed the top of my head. I hope to god that my parents were watching.

'We're sorry.' yeah, sorry my fucking ass. I have a brother and I don't even know his fucking name. My parents really changed. They were so nice and now...they weren't the same.

I had a lot of energy despite the argument with my parents. Tom asked if I was okay and I nodded. He went his room. Now it was Bill and I. I opened my door and Bill followed me inside.

"Alice-" he started, but I cut him off. "Let me just say what I need to say alright? You can't tell Tom or I who we can or can't love. Okay, this is happening and if it ends bad then it ends bad, and if it ends up being good then that's that. We don't know what's gunna happen, but that's fine, it's life. I'm sorry we lied but Jesus, aren't you glad we aren't arguing anymore?" I asked.

He nodded. "I just, I always thought you guys would hate each other. I'm worried that if it does end bad, Tom and I will fight and we'll lose you." He said. I laughed. "Bill, I fled the country for you two, your not gunna lose me." I reassured him.

He nodded. "Are we okay?" He asked me. I nodded. "Now you and Tom have to have a conversation." I told him. "We will, but are you okay? Your parents just showing up..." he reaped of as he shook his head.

I sighed. "They're not the best, but I want to be part of my brothers life, I just, I'll figure it out, now stop worrying and go fix things with you and Tom." He nodded and hugged me. He then left through the Narnia door.

I'd figure out what happened between Tom and Bill later, right now? I wanted sleep, my burst of energy was now gone.

(A/N: I wanted a plot twist but idk if this counts as a plot twist)

Only Tolerable//Tokio Hotel •Tom Kaulitz•Where stories live. Discover now