10 Things I Love About You

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I woke at 8. I didn't want to wake up that early, but my body decided it was time to get up which I hated, I was comfortable. I rolled over and reluctantly got up.

Even though I just woke up, I was bored as hell. I looked around my room like something for me to do was just going to appear out of thin fucking air.

My eyes landed to the binder Tom gave me yesterday. I walked over to the table and picked it up. I got back into bed and started flipping through  the binder.

I smiled to myself. I flipped through a few pages of restaurants and places like that before I flipped a few more and I looked at the picture. My smile got bigger.

I excitedly got up and practically jumped off the bed and ran to the door that connected mine and Tom's rooms. I opened the door and ran into his room. "Tom, get up! I've picked a place for our first date." I said.

He didn't wake up. I stared at him. "Get up before I find a way to drag your ass into the hotel pool!" I said. Still didn't move. I poked his arm. Nothing. I rolled my eyes. I put the binder down on the nightstand and climbed onto the bed. I stood up and started jumping up and down.

"Alice what the hell are you doing?" He asked as I saw his head emerge from the blanket. I stopped jumping and looked down at him. "Trying to wake you up." I said. "Well I'm awake now, so can you stop?" He asked. I nodded.

"Now what is it you want?" He asked. I smiled and got down, I walked over to the nightstand and flipped to the page I was on this morning. I handed it to him. "I figured out where we can go on our first date." I told him.

He stared at the page and looked back up at me with a tired smile. "I should of known you'd pick this place." He said. I nodded. "I'll see you in 15 minutes." I told him as I walked back through the door and into my room, closing the door behind me.

I took a shower, got dressed, and put mascara on. I waited in my room for Tom. Eventually, he opened the door that connected the rooms. "Finally, you took more fucking time than I did to get ready." I said. He rolled his eyes.

Something's never change. I texted Bill and told him that Tom and I were hanging out and that we'd be back before their interview. It was only 9:20.

Tom and I left the hotel and went on our way to our very first date. I'm not gonna lie, I was excited, I'd never been on a date with Tom, fuck, I never thought I'd ever end up dating him.

As soon as we reached the place, I practically dragged Tom to it. We were at a place that was sort of like paint ball, but a lot less fucking painful and more fun.

It was basically just water balloons filled with paint. Totally reminded me of one of my favorite movies, 10 Things I Hate About You. That's why I picked it.

I didn't hate Tom anymore, but that movie truly was a masterpiece. We were given these white jumpsuit type of things to put on over our clothes. I was living my dream of being Julia Stiles, except for my co-star being Heath Ledger, it was Tom.

I was undeniably happy. Before I knew it, Tom and I were running and chasing after each other while simultaneously throwing paint filled water balloons at each other.

We were an hour or so into the date when I was in the middle of running away from Tom when I looked back over my shoulder to throw a balloon at him. I missed and with my shitty luck, I tripped and fell. I groaned in defeat, the shit hurt, I'm actually surprised I didn't face plant.

I heard running footsteps as they got closer to me and then I heard Tom's voice. "Shit, Alice, are you okay?" He asked me as he helped roll me over and helped me sit up. "That shit hurt." I told him. "I'd imagine so, but are you okay?" He asked again.

I nodded. "I'm surprised you didn't laugh at me." I said as he helped me stand up. "Trust me, I laughed while I was running to help you." He told me. I playfully punched his arm. "There's the asshole I know and love." I said.

He laughed, kissed me, and then we both collectively decided to go back to the hotel. We ditched the white jumpsuit things and I laughed at Tom as we started going back to the hotel.

"You're several different colors. You have red blue, and yellow in your hair." I told him.  "Yeah, well you should see yourself." He said sarcastically. I slapped his arm. "Owe, okay, y'know what, I'm going to tell you 10 things I love about you." He said.

I nodded. "I'd to love to hear this." I said. "Number 1, you're not afraid to speak your mind. 2, you get happy and excited over the little things. 3, you've always been one of the biggest supporters of the band. 4, you're strong minded. 5, I love that when you're nervous you fiddle with your lip ring. 6, you always put Bill before yourself. 7, you're not afraid to be loud and obnoxious when your around the right people. 8, you love listening to music religiously. 9, you don't hate me. And 10, you're fucking beautiful." He said as we walked.

"How'd you know all this stuff about me if you don't know anything about me?" I asked him. He shrugged. "I'm not saying this to sound creepy or anything, but over the years I'd find myself absentmindedly observing you, hell, even then I don't think I really hated you." He said as we entered the hotel.

I smiled. "Well, Tom I  don't think I really hated you either. He smiled as we walked into the elevator. As soon as the elevator door closed he kissed me.

"Now you owe me 10 things you love about me." He told me. "I will, when the time comes." I responded. He continued to smile and the elevator door opened. We moved away from each other and walked out. As we were walking down the hallway I heard Tom say, "Then I'll be waiting every second." I smiled.

Eventually we made it to our rooms and I was in need of a shower, I was literally green, red, pink, yellow, blue, you name it. It was really fun though...well fun all the way up until I fell.

After my shower I went to Bill's room and waited until we left for the band's interview. I couldn't stop looking at Tom. I really didn't hate him. I love him, I love Tom and I was glad.

(A/N: I love this chapter, I included stuff from 10 things I hate about you bc that's the movie Bill, Tom, and Alice were watching when Alice confessed her feelings to Tom. I also made it Alices favorite movie for obvious reasons. Also, I'm fighting strep throat right now so if I post late I apologized sincerely. Happy reading 😄)

Only Tolerable//Tokio Hotel •Tom Kaulitz•Where stories live. Discover now