Terms and Agreements

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I don't know what time Bill got home from the store, but I was asleep when he did. I'm actually very surprised that Tom agreed to loaning me that much money, let alone money at all. I was worried though, what the hell would guitar boy have me doing?


I was woken up by someone yelling obnoxiously. I rolled over to see Tom smiling a shit eating grin. "What do you want, Tom? What time even is it?" I asked him. "It's time to get up. Our agreement starts today." He said. I rolled my eyes. "How the fuck can it start today if I don't know what it is?" I asked him.

"You'll see." He said. I rolled my eyes and covered my face up with my blanket hoping he'd disappear. But was I so very wrong. Before I knew it, I felt a hand grab my ankle and drag me out of bed and onto the floor. "Tom, you fucking bitch!" I yelled.

I thought he was gunna stop dragging me when we reached the hall but nope. He fucking dragged me by my ankles all the way to the Fucking stair case. "Tom, I swear to god if you fucking drag me down the stairs, I'm shaving your head in your goddamn sleep." I said.

He stopped and looked at the stair case, then to me and thought. "Fine, you can get up." He said. I got up and took a step towards the stairs. "But Tom grabbed my wrist." I let out a frustrated sigh. Before I know it Tom had thrown me over his shoulder. "Tom put me down!" I said, smacking his back.

"BILL, YOUR BROTHERS BEING AN ASS AGAIN!" I yelled. Bill came running out of the kitchen to see me over Toms shoulder. He laughed. "Sorry, but I take this as a bonding moment between the two of you." He said as he pulled out a camera. I sighed. "Fuck you Tom."

Tom then went downstairs but he didn't put me down like I thought he would. Instead he ran out the back door and threw me into the pool. I went to the bottom and floated back up. When I reached the surface, I took my hands and wiped the water from my eyes. "...I may have spoken too soon.." Bill said.

"Tom, help her out, this is your fault." Bill said. Tom groaned and I swam over to him as he offered me his hand. I took it but before he helped me out I pulled him into the water with me. "Screw you Alice." Tom said. I laughed. "No thanks." I said. After I said that, I watched as his mouth made a smile I've seen before. He looked at me and looked away.

"Weird." I said to myself. I got out of the pool and walked through the house soaking wet. I walked to the bathroom and discarded my wet clothes and took a shower. Tom is an ass. But at least he was helping get that money for Logan. I thought back to the smile he had on his face earlier, what the hell was that about?

I let the water drown my thoughts and eventually I got out and threw on a towel, walking to my room. As I was walking to my room, I ran into someone. I hoped it was Bill, nope. Fuck. "Jesus Christ watch where you go-whoa, what the fuck happened to your eye?" He asked. I assumed he was talking about my eye that Bill told me about last night.

"I didn't do that...did I?" He asked actually concerned. What was up with him? I shook my head. "God no, it wasn't you...it was...I just...I-I fell..." I said. He furrowed his eyebrows like he didn't believe me. "Can you move now?" I asked him he nodded and moved out of the way.

When I reached my room, I changed my clothes. I went down stairs. "I'm leaving in a minute, so it's just going to be you and Tom, please do not kill each other." He told me. I nodded. Then he was gone.

"I went back up stairs and knocked on Tom's door. "Yeah?" He asked. "It's me." I said. He said I could come in. I opened his door and stood in his door frame with my arms crossed over my chest. "Let's get this stupid shit over with." I said.

"Okay." He said as he pulled out a piece of paper. I sat down in his desk chair. "What is that?" I asked. "Well, its what both of us are agreeing to in the hopes that neither of us screw one another over." He said.

I looked at him. "Let me read it first." He nodded and handed me the paper. I started reading it. My jaw dropped as I read it. "Tom, you cannot be serious." I asked him. He smiled that stupid smile that made me want to punch him. "I'm very serious. It's a lot of money you're asking me for." He said I rolled my eyes.

"Fine, but I get to add to it, because this is a two way street." I said. He nodded and handed me a pen. Under what he wrote, I added, Bill doesn't find out about any of this and I mean any of this. After this agreement reaches its end, it never, never gets brought up ever again. And, the both us have to try and make an effort to be nice to each other, for Bill's sake.

I finished writing it and let him read it. He nodded. "Okay, but the nice part is going to be hard because I hate you." Is all he said. "Trust me, it's not going to be easy for me either."

I watched as Tom took the pen from me and signed his name under the agreement. He handed the pen and paper back to me. I signed it as well. We then shook hands on it. "Okay Alice, first things first, we have to go to the bank." He said. "I rolled my eyes. "Do I really have to go with you?" I questioned.

He nodded. "You're the one I'm loaning that money to." He said. I groaned. We left his room and walked out of the door. He locked the door and we got into his car and went to the bank. I stayed in the car while he got the money.

Eventually, he came back out. When he reached the car and opened the door, he threw an envelope at me. "Hope your ready for me to make your life hell." He asked me. "Yeah, because that just sounds so fucking fun!" I exclaimed sarcastically.

I sighed. "Before we go home, can you go to Logan's?" I asked. "I want this over with." I said. "Okay, but where does he live?" I showed him the way and when we reached his apartment complex, I unbuckled my seat belt.

"You can stay here." I said. He shook his head. "I wanna meet him." Tom said. I looked at him confused. "Why?" I asked. "I want to see who would actually date you." He said, being an ass. I rolled my eyes. "You can come inside, but your waiting in the hall." I said.

We got out and made our way to his apartment. I knocked on the door and he answered. Fuck.

Only Tolerable//Tokio Hotel •Tom Kaulitz•Where stories live. Discover now