Here Comes The Hate

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I was still in the bathroom with Bill. I cleaned my face, talking to Bill as he sat on the sink counter and talked to me. "We should do something." I told him as I wiped what was left of the water off my face. He nodded. "Like what?" He asked me.

I thought for a moment. "Like clubbing or some shit. I need something to do, alright?" I told him. He nodded. Then it hit me and I smiled. I stopped what I was doing and looked at him. "What?" He questioned me. My smile got bigger. "We should throw a party." I said.

I watched as Bill furrowed his eyebrows. "A party? Alice you hate parties." He told me I nodded. "And things change." I said. He didn't argue and smiled, getting off the sink counter. "Looks like we're throwing a party." He said.

We walked out of the bathroom and I went to find Tom. He and I needed a long ass talk, not right now though, after the party and my apparent 'liking Gustav' lie to Bill passes.

Bill told me he was going to get supplies for the party. I laughed and watched him grab his keys and practically run out the door with excitement.

Bill kinda reminded me of a soccer mom taking care of her kids, but in a good way. I walked outside and found Tom sitting down where he was earlier. I stood there awkwardly. "Hi." I said. He looked up at me. "Hey, where's Bill?" He asked. I smiled and sat down next to him. "That's why I'm out here. We're throwing a party, tonight." I said.

Tom looked at me confused. "Alice, you hate parties." Tom said. I rolled my eyes. "You sound like your brother when you do that." I told him. "Why are we throwing a party? I mean, I'm not complaining, but you are the last person I know that would actually want to throw a fucking party." He said.

I shrugged. "Things gotta change around here. We all know I'm not okay, alright, and that does-doesn't seem to be changing anytime soon so, I'm changing what I can." I said. He nodded.

"Bill left to get stuff for tonight. Invite who you want, I don't really care. I'm gunna go call Gustav and Georg." I said getting up. "Oh, by the way, you and I need to have a long fucking conversation later." I said over my shoulder. "Alice, wait." Tom said. I turned around he wasn't sitting down, he was walking over to me.

"Yeah?" I questioned. I watched as he fidgeted with his lip ring with his teeth. He was thinking. He hesitated. "I have something for you to do, as part of the agreement." He said. I could tell that's not what he wanted to say. He wouldn't have hesitated if it was.

But I wasn't about to ask him what he wanted to say.

"Okay, you can tell me later, I'll see you in a bit." I said turning around and going back into the house and calling Georg and Gustav. I grabbed my phone and called Gustav and Georg. They both answered and told me they'd be here.

Eventually Bill came back with chips, cups, and everything else you need for a party. "So whose all coming to this?" Bill asked me. I shrugged. "I invited Gustav and Georg, and I told Tom he could invite whoever because I honestly don't care." I told him.

Bill and I finished getting everything ready and there was a knock at the door. I answered it. "Gustav! Georg!" I said as I let them in." They said Hi. "Look, I just want to apologize for the last time we hung out. Tom was being a bitch." I told them.

They both laughed and accepted my apology. Eventually more people started to show up. The music was loud and obnoxious. I really did need this. I was smiling as I danced throughout the house and weaved my way through the crowd of people.

I was making my way to the kitchen, dancing to the beat when I saw him. It couldn't be. I decided to continue to the kitchen, hoping it was just the dim lights playing tricks on me. I was wrong. When I reached the kitchen, I was working on getting myself a drink when I saw him walk over to me.

"Alice." He said. I rolled my eyes. "What are you doing here, Logan?" I asked. He shrugged. "I heard you were having a party, and I wanted to see how you were doing." He said. I scoffed. "How I'm doing? Are you fucking serious? No good thanks to you." I said, walking away from him.

He followed after me. "We need to talk." Logan told me as I weaved my my through people again, he following after me. I shook my head. Before I could say or do anything, Logan grabbed my hand and started dragged me towards the stairs.

"What the fuck?" I questioned. "Listen, all I wanna do is talk, alright?" He said. I nodded and he let go of my wrist, I continued to follow him up the stairs. I looked over the stair railing and looked out into the sea of people, everyone was having a good time. My eyes scanned the sea of people until they landed on a pair of brown ones already staring at me.

He looked to me then to Logan. He didn't look so sincere. Before I knew it, Logan grabbed my hand again and Tom and I's shared gaze was ripped apart. Logan opened the first room he saw and we walked in. To my luck, it was Tom's.

"So what do you want Logan?" I questioned, stepping away from him, as far away from him as the room would let me. "How's life?" He asked. I shook my head. "It's life." I said. He nodded. "So, who ended up with a loser like you?" He asked me.

"No one, you have no right, no right being here! Alright, as far as I'm fucking concerned, Logan, you aren't part of my life anymore!" I yelled. "Oh yeah? Well as far as I'm concerned, I am!" He yelled back. Im glad there was a party happening right now, if not, without the music, people would hear us fighting.

I scoffed. "Who invited you? I know I didn't, and I know Tom didn't or Bill." I said. "Don't be so sure." Logan said. I shook my head. "Tom wouldn't do that, he may be an ass but he wouldn't, and Bill? Be realistic." I said.

"You never fucking know, Alice." He said.

"Please leave. Just, I don't want to deal with your bullshit right now." I said. He nodded. "Fine, but this anywhere but over." He said as he walked out of the room and out of my sight.

I took my hands and dragged them over my face and sighed. I didn't cry, I was just tired of everything. I left Tom's room and then went back down the stairs and back to the kitchen. I needed a drink. As I was in the kitchen, I watched as Tom walked over to me.

"Hey." I said. He didn't say anything. "What the fuck was that about?" He asked, pissed off. I looked at him confused. "What?" I asked. He scoffed. "You and Logan, earlier, you went up stairs." He said pissed. I furrows my eyebrows and then my eyes went wide. "Oh, Christ, fuck that. All we did was talk." I said.

"Yeah, okay." Tom said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes. "I'm being honest here." I said. Tom shook his head. "I have a proposition." He said. "Like what?" I asked him. "We play cup pong, you win, you get to be a bitch to me again." He said. I nodded. "Okay? And what if you win?" I questioned.

He smiled the smile he had when he was plotting against me, making fun of me, hating me. "If I win you have to get your lip pierced like mine." He said. My eyes went wide. "No." I said. He shook his head. "We have an agreement." He said. I groaned. "Fuck." I said.

"I suck at cup pong." I told him. He laughed. "I know." I sighed and we started the game. "I hate this stupid Fucking agreement." I said. 

Half way through the game, and Tom was winning, I only made it once. Tom fucking ended up winning. "Tom? I fucking hate you." I said. He still looked pissed. "And I fucking hate you." He answered. I rolled my eyes.

After the game ended, Tom and I agreed that tomorrow we'd go get my lip pierced. Both of us were pissed, so as soon as the game was over, we went our separate ways and stayed away from each other for the rest of the night.

I stayed by Bill the rest of the night. I sighed to myself. Screw this fucking agreement. Tom and I were back to hating each other again. Fuck. 'Here comes the hate.' I said to myself.

Only Tolerable//Tokio Hotel •Tom Kaulitz•Where stories live. Discover now