In The Span of Weeks

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It's been a few weeks since the party and me getting my lip pierced. A lot of shit had gone down. Bill and Tom we're currently in a fight because Tom ditched Bill, again, when Tom said before hand that he'd hang out with him.

I hated when they fought, they always brought me into the fight, trying to get me to pick sides. Besides that, things were usual. I did things for Tom, like clean his room, do his laundry, make him food. He wasn't home that much recently and neither Bill or I knew why. I didn't question it though. Tom and I pretty much haven't fought since I got my lip pierced.

Of course we had the occasional disagreement and not so nice name calling, but something was different...well something was different to me. I just didn't know what yet, but it was weird.

I wish that the fight Bill and Tom were in was the only thing wrong in my life, but obviously that wasn't the case. Gustav and I were fighting as well. It's a long story. Basically, the band was getting together at the house to talk about their tour and when it was just Bill and I he asked if I was ever going to ask Gustav out.

Turns out, Gustav heard everything that Bill and I were talking about. So, before he left, he found me alone in the kitchen and proceeded to tell me that he heard everything and that he feels the same way about me. Which would be fine, but it's not Gustav I like.

I told Gustav that I lied to Bill about my liking him because I don't want Bill to know the person I do like. Gustav was obviously mad at me, for using him as a lie to keep Bill out of whatever the shit I was telling everyone.

I asked Gustav not to tell Bill that I lied. And he told me he would, he said we'd be okay, we'd still be friends, he just needed time to forgive me. I shouldn't of lied. I didn't apologize, he didn't want me to, not yet. I wanted to punch myself in the face.

I was lying to everyone. Bill, Gustav, Georg, Tom, even myself. This had to stop eventually. If it didn't, It would kill me.

Now currently. It's Tuesday. Tom wasn't home, but I was in the middle of cleaning the house, I had already done what Tom wanted and I needed something to busy myself.

Bill wasn't home either. He was hanging out with one of he and I's friends. Bill invited me to go with, but I told him it would be good to get away from me and his brother. So I was the only one home.

I was in the middle of sweeping the floor in the kitchen when I heard footsteps and I looked up to see Tom. Neither one of us rolled our eyes at each other. "I'm surprised your actually home." I told him as I picked up the dust pan and emptied it into the trash.

"Is Bill home?" He asked. I shook my head and looked him. I don't know what kind of mood I was in today, but when I looked up at Tom's face, I know it changed. Tom had lip stick smeared all over his face in the form of sloppy lip prints.

I couldn't make it obvious. "So whose your lady friend?" I asked trying to not sound aggravated as I started cleaning off the counters. "Why do care?" He sneered. I paused what I was doing. "I...I don't. You've just been disappearing a lot lately, Tom." I said.

"Well, yeah, Bill's being over dramatic." He said. I rolled my eyes and turned around and looked at him. "Over dramatic? Tom, he's your brother, your twin brother, your best friend. You keep making plans with him and then last minute you always fucking ditch him. You and I both know Bill, and you know that it's hurting him when you do that. Apologize, and stop fucking ditching him." I said, clearly pissed off.

I threw the rag down on the counter and went upstairs. What the fuck was happening. I needed away from the house and Tom. I decided to go to go on a run. I put in my sneakers, some leggings, a tank top, grabbed my headphones and phone, and went back downstairs.

"I'm going on run! Don't fuck anything up!" I yelled to Tom as I walked out the door. I started down the street and to the park. I was running on the trail at the park when I ran into someone who was chasing after his dog. "Oh my god! I'm really sorry!" I told him.

He shook his head. "It's my fault, my dog slipped her collar." I nodded. "What's her name?" I asked. "Daisy." He answered. "I can help you catch her if you want." I offered. He nodded. I then proceeded to help him catch Daisy.

"She's quite the runner." I told him as he slipped her collar back on her. He laughed. "She sure is...I didn't get your name." He said. "Oh, I'm Alice, you are?" I asked as I held out my hand. "I'm Elijah." He said, shaking my hand.

"It was nice meeting you. Once again, I'm sorry I ran into you." I told him. He shook his head. "Don't be, I think this was supposed to happen." He said. I raised an eyebrow confused. "How do you mean?" I asked. "I was wondering if you'd like to go out for dinner or something." Elijah asked.

I stood there. This hasn't happened before. And I haven't been with anyone since Logan. I thought for a minute and smiled. "Sure." Elijah smiled and gave me his phone to put my number in. I did the same.

I said goodbye to Elijah and of course I said goodbye to Daisy. We went our separate ways and I ran back home excitedly. I need Bill right now. Like I really need to fucking talk to him.

I ran all the way home and into house. Very similar to how I did when Logan broke up with me, but his time, there was no crying. I was breathing heavily. "Bill!" I yelled hoping he'd be home. I didn't get an answer so I yelled again.

Before I knew it I saw him running from the living room to the door. "Alice? Are you okay?" He asked me. For once, I actually nodded and smiled a genuine smile. "I met a guy!" I explained. Bill's eyes went wide. "What happened to Gustav? I know you guys have been in a fight, but what happened?" He asked.

I shook my head. "It was just a crush. But I met this guy at the park while I was on run, his dog got lose and I accidentally ran into him. His name is Elijah and his dogs name is Daisy and HE ASKED ME OUT ON A DATE AND, AND he gave me his number." I exclaimed.

Bill and I started jumping up and down and
Squealing in excitement. "Can you two fucking stop?" I heard Tom say from the stairs. I looked up at him. The lipstick was gone, that made me glad. Despite me having a date with Elijah there was no erasing Tom from my thought process.

I shook my head. "What's so important to where you have to be fucking obnoxious anyway?" Tom asked. "Our Alice here has a date." Bill said matter-of-factly. I looked at Tom and he was already looking at me. He looked like he was being given the worse news of his life right now.

"Whatever." He said as he broke our gaze and walked back to his room. Bill and I continued to talk about my date with Elijah. I couldn't help but wonder what Tom's problem was. I also couldn't help, but wonder what the fuck my problem was too.

A lot can fucking happen in the span of weeks.

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