Chapter 16

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I freeze reassessing those possibilities. It all started to fit together. I look out the window again, and spot a car that I have seen everywhere. The car is a 1941 Lincoln Continental. I know that there are several people who may have a Lincoln Continental, but this one is very recognizable. For example this Lincoln Continental has a dent on the passenger side door. The dent is very deep. I look around, before Dino comes back into the room. Except the thing is he's acting different. It looks like he's being pushed...? "Get on the ground you filthy waste of space." The voice commands pushing Dino to the ground. The man comes in, and I had immediately recognized who this man is... This man is Sergeant Pond. "Sir....? Is that you Sergeant Pond..?" I pull myself off the ground, and trudge over there rather quickly. He nods aiming his pistol towards Dino, "I was in the neighborhood and I saw this belly up, outside. He's supposed to be in for life, maybe even getting the death penalty....." Pond trails off, turning his focus back to Dino. Dino squirms around on the ground as Pond puts his handcuffs on him. Dino smirks at me after Pond had moved him to sit upright. "Phyllis, you look good doll." I roll my eyes. "Detective Crowell, could you go do something for me real quick?" Pond asks me, I nod "Of course sir, what do you need?"

I leave the room as Pond asked me to go grab something for him, he wanted me to grab his bag that he left in the main room. I found it, and I started making my way back when I heard Pond yelling at Dino. When I got back Pond had his pistol to Dino's head. What is going on?

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