Chapter 9

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I see Nick standing at the bar people still there if I had to guess another party as Dino hinted that a day has passed. I run towards him, wearing the lace lingere, as he looks right at me. "Holy Mackerel, Phyllis!" Nick yells pulling me in, to keep me from being hurt by Dino's men, who were chasing behind me. Nick grabs my hand as we run out to keep me from being taken again. "Nick? What are we going to tell Sergeant Pond?" I ask him while we are running out the door of Dino's house, Nick keeps looking forward until we get to our car silent the whole time. We don't even look behind us to see if Dino and his men are following us. Nick opens the door and jumps into the car I follow behind him and lock the door. He steps on the gas, "Again Nick I ask what are we going to tell Pond?" I ask him while looking at him. "We tell Pond to send a team. I don't want you to get killed like her." Nick says sadly, while keeping his eyes on the road. "Her? Whose her?" I ask Nick, "Jasmine, she was my fiance. Dino killed her in cold blood, she was a cop like you and me. Pond also assigned her to this case years ago and it-" Nick breaks off, and sighs heavily. "I understand Nick." I reply looking out the window. I always hoped for the best with Nick. Especially during high school, I always had a crush on him. I heard him mention how he wanted to become a detective, so I of course did too. Our bond was unbreakable. I honestly didn't even know if Nick liked me back. I can't tell Nick that I love him now. 

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