Chapter 13

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Nick runs out of the kitchen to me with his gun drawn. "What, what happened?" He quietly says as we sit in the closet. "Dino happened, his men are looking for us." I whisper. "His men are after us?" Nick whispers, I nod as he can see my face due to the light in my house being on. "Nick be aware there was a woman with him. She was sitting on my bed with Dino and his men." I whisper to him. He looks at me puzzled. "A woman was with him?" He whispers back with the look still on his face. "Yeah." I whisper. "Found ya doll." Dino laughs opening the door. "Jas?" Nick asks looking at the woman to Dino's left. "Is that really you?" Nick asks again. "So what if it's me Nicky?" The lady replies. "Why did you leave me? I went on for years thinking you died." Nick says, lowering his gun and going to put it in a holster he had strapped on. I shoot him a look and he looks at me and realizes that putting his gun away is a stupid idea. "Don't reply to that." Dino says. After they give some remarks to each other, Dino pulls his gun on Nick. "Say something else and I'll make sure you and Phyllis don't make it out of here." Dino says pointing the gun, at Nick. Nick was by himself that moment as I got away. I run over to my telephone and call the station.

The policemen are here now and have since arrested Dino, his men, and Jasmine. Nick is fine, I stalled Dino. It's a way I'd rather not talk about. "Nick? How are you doing?" I ask him softly. I sit down next to him. "Fine just a bit shaken up from seeing a woman who I thought was dead." Nick replies rubbing his face. "Yeah that was messed up Nick." I say scooting toward him. He looks at me and wraps his arm around me pulling me close. "Nick...." I say baffled "Even though I may not have Jasmine. I still have you Phyllis." Nick whispers to me, while the other policemen are going through every room taking stuff for evidence. I then hear Sergeant Pond walking towards the room we're in. Nick unwraps his arm around me and we stop talking. "Nice work you two. That's one less rat we'll have on the street." Sergeant Pond says taking a cigarette out of his pocket. "When is our next assignment sir? And if possible can we work together I really enjoyed working with Phyllis." Nick says lighting Sergeant Pond's cigarette."Phyllis are you alright with this?" The sergeant asks. I nod as he puffs on it. "Alright then you two. You'll work together on your next case." He says walking away to look at every piece of evidence we have against Dino, Jasmine and his henchmen. The policemen have already been informed on what Dino had done to me. They were told about how he took me and every thing. Hopefully the case sticks. 

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