Chapter 4-Dino

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Nick gets out of the car and comes around to my side and lets me out. I then adjust my dress as he wraps his arm around me. We start walking up to the huge mansion and come across Dino's henchmen at the front door. "Come in, come in." One of the henchmen growls as Nick pushes me closer to him as we're walking through the house. "You two must be Delores and Henry Mitchell. I'm D." Dino says holding out his hand to Nick. Nick shakes his hand, and Dino then holds his hand out towards me. I take his hand. Right as I take his hand he smiles and kisses it. I blush, and I honestly can't believe that I'm blushing over the fact a mobster kissed my hand. An attractive mobster at that. Nick walks away after seeing me blushing and goes to talk to other women. "I see that Henry just left you, how about coming with us to the V.I.P section?" Dino asks with smile "I- uh- sure!" I smile back after stuttering. He leads me to the V.I.P section and we sit and talk about everything pretty much. We talk for what seems like hours, and it's to the point I completely forget he's a homicidal mobster mainly, because he's a dreamboat and very, very charming. Especially with his black hair and green eyes. "Delores do you mind me asking, are you faithful?" Dino asks while gazing into my eyes, I blush I know I'm blushing as my face feels hot and he's slowly turning red. "Well- Uhm- Why does it matter if I'm faithful or not D?" I ask Dino trying not to show any emotions on my face. Dino just chuckles "Just answer the question Delores." Dino snaps while holding a cigar out to me, I take it with fear of him saying anything to me "Okay so yes I am, but no for certain people." I say while lighting up the cigar, "Am I one of those people Delores?" Dino asks while puffing on his cigar "Uhm maybe..." I stutter "Do I make you nervous Delores?" Dino says while getting up "Yes- no- maybe?" I stutter even more. Why is he getting up?? Dino takes my hand and leads me away for a little while...

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