Chapter 8

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Dino sits up and licks his lips, giving me his stupid grin again. "You are disgusting Dino!" I yell trying to get free again, "I didn't see you struggling doll." Dino says, in which I roll my eyes. "Oh no don't you do that." Dino says getting angry, "Do what? What did I do Dino?" I reply quickly. "That, that right there. Rolling your eyes. We both know you liked it." Dino snaps as he goes to leave. "My men will take your handcuffs off, and if you try anything think of all the lead you'll endure." Dino says leaving.

**After A While**

Dino's men burst through the door and close it quickly behind them with their guns drawn, the main guy with no gun sets down what looks like lunch, and pulls out a set of keys. "The boss wants you to eat up." The man says, unlocking me before leaving again. I examine my food closely and see something folded up in a napkin, I pick it up and unfold the napkin slowly, to see my pocket watch. I know it's my pocket watch, because it says P.C on it. I don't touch my food once as that may be what made me pass out. Dino came in after about 40 minutes, and noticed that I didn't touch my food. "You didn't touch your food doll?" Dino asks me taking out a cigarette, "No I didn't and I'm not your doll." I snap at Dino, he's flustered at this point. Not once have I yet to fluster Dino, except for this once. "I love em feisty." Dino sneers licking his lips again. He leans in, in which I slap him. I slap him right across the cheek. I dart for the door, the fat head left it unlocked. I open it and run out. 

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