Chapter 1-You Want Me to Do What?!?

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"Detective Crowell, " The sergeant's secretary Kathleen started, I look up at her from a book I'm reading, "Yes Kathleen?" I ask, "The sergeant needs you in his office now ma'am." I close my book and set it in my desk to keep it from getting stolen even though this is a police station, I can't take any chances. I start making my way to the sergeants office, along the way several other detectives are sitting there hooting and hollering at me like they always do. They just can't seem to accept that the station hired a female detective and signed them to their team. They no doubt want me fired. Upon reaching his office I breathe for a minute and fix my coat before knocking. "Sit down Crowell." Sergeant Pond demands, I nod and sit upon his request. "So what did you need me for Sir? " I ask, he looks at me and responds while lighting his cigarette "You know that big mobster boss Dino and Skinny Malone?" I look at him and nod "They're wanted for murder right? I know that's one of their major crimes they've committed but that's one I know off the top of my head." I reply, while also taking out a cigarette. The sergeant slowly puffs on his cigarette and blows the smoke off to the side. "My, my someone on this team who is actually competent to do their homework when asked." He starts "You'll be going to a huge party, that Dino has thrown, we got two invites from a source. You of course can't use your real name and you will have a partner. Your dismissed detective." Detective Pond says as I get up and puff my cigarette. One of the sergeants other secretaries hands me a envelope with my name on it, after I take it she walks away never saying a word, so I decide to also walk away. I was nearing the exit when I hear a voice call out to me, "Hey Phyllis right?" I turn and look it was another Detective, "Yeah, why you here to give me a hard time like everyone else?" I say firmly, the smile on the detectives face quickly fades, "What do you mean? People are giving you a hard time?" He asks me, I quickly brush it off, "So what did you need?" I ask him sighing, "I'm Detective Nick Valentine, did Danny mention that I'm your partner?" Nick firmly asks, "No but Sergeant Pond did mention I was getting a partner though. But not once did he mention your name."

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