Chapter 11

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"Phyllis, I- I love you..." Nick says gripping the wheel even tighter than he had been before. "Nick. I love you too." I reply "In fact I always have." I say again "Can we stay at your house?" I ask Nick gulping hoping for a yes. "Yeah why?" Nick says staying flustered from our conversation, "I'm scared that Dino may know my address." I reply looking straight at him. Nick nods his head and drives us to his house. After we go in he locks the door behind us and lets me use one of his shirts instead of the lace that Dino forced me to wear. "Thank you Nick." I say pulling him into a hug, "Your welcome Phyllis." Nick says hugging me tightly. "Where would you like to sleep?" He asks me, "Oh uhm anywhere will do." I say looking around. "Okay Phyllis. You could take my bed I'll take the couch." Nick says "Nick that's alright, I can take the couch." I say sitting down. *yawn* I fall asleep....

*the next morning*

I wake up and look around the room, I notice that I'm not where I was before.. Where am I? I sit up, and notice Nick asleep. "What the-" 

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