Chapter 1

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"Alec," Jane said my name from the other side of my door. "Aro needs us."

I let out a heavy sigh and got to my feet from where I had been sitting at my desk. "Of course he does," I whispered to myself.

"I heard that." Jane quips back from where she was still waiting for me.

I crossed the room and opened the door to see her standing there with a smirk on her face looking up at me. "What does he need?"

"He didn't say. Something about that half-human girl. Renesmee." Turning on her heels she walked away from me. "Come on."

I rolled my eyes and closed my door behind me and followed after her. "I thought we were done with the Cullens?"

Jane shrugged and kept walking ahead of me.

I did not bother to ask any more questions. She wouldn't answer me anyway. We walked into the throne room where Aro sat with Caius on his left and Marcus on his right. Demetri was standing at the foot of the throne waiting on us.

"Ah, there you two are. I am sending you three to Forks." Aro said to us from where he sat. He had that same amused look on his face he always had. "Seems Renesmee had a bit of a slip-up. I don't believe she is learning well from the Cullen's. I want her brought here."

"You know her family will not allow that. What did she do?" I questioned him.

"I believe you can convince them. You seem to handle matters of business well..." Aro sighs and rubbed his chin. "She bit a student at school."

I pinched the bridge of my nose, "you're sending us to Forks for one misshape?"

"Yes. It only takes one public outing to cause problems. You know this Alec... and that is not the only reason I am sending you three to the States. There has been a string of attacks happening. A new strand of newborns is popping up. I want you to find out where and put an end to it. Kill them."

I glanced at Jane that stood silently next to me and then at Demetri. Aro was leaving this to the three of us and it worried me with just what was going on in the States.

"As you wish, Aro. We will pack and leave for Forks now." Jane answered for us.

Aro nods to us. "Good. Keep me posted on what is happening. Mostly with the newborn outbreak."

"Should we not seek an alliance with the Cullens to deal with them if it is as bad as it sounds?" I questioned.

"Don't be foolish Alec. Get the job done or die trying." Caius seethed at me.

I narrowed my eyes at him. We never got along. He disliked me and I disliked him.

Aro held up his hand to silence Caius. "As a last resort do you turn to them for aid. Figure out how bad it is. If it seems to be far worse than I imagine then let us know. If it is a simple fix I trust you three can handle it. Your powers alone Alec can hinder an army useless. I believe you three can handle things. You all may go."

"Caius doesn't care for you." Demetri sat on my bed while I gathered my things. He had his bag sitting next to him and played around with the zipper on it. "Come to think of it, he never has."

"I know this Demetri. It is not like it is a secret." I tucked away several day's worth of fresh clothes in the bag along with my toiletries. "He doesn't ever let me forget that I came from nothing."

"You may have come from nothing, but now you are a prince." Demetri smiled at me, "I think he is jealous of you."

I rolled my eyes and zipped up my bag. "Well good for him."

"We're going to the States."

"I know."

"Are you going to ring her?"

I was silent. Demetri was the only one that knew about my relationship with a human girl. We had dated for quite a while in secret. Aside from her mates knowing and Demetri. He kept it a secret for me. It was hard to keep it from Aro. I was always having to dodge his touch in hopes he would never catch a glimpse of her in my mind. I tapped my screen to look down at the lock screen to see her photo smiling back at me. Her honeysuckle blonde hair hung in loose curls and her blue eyes had a hint of mischief in them.

"Alec?" Demetri pulled me out of my thoughts.

I shook my head. "No, best she forget about me," I replied.

Demetri frowned at my words. "Alec..." He touched my shoulder and I shrugged it away. "Alec you love her. She loves you. I have never seen you more happy than the times that you are with her."

"What is the point, Demetri? I could never bring her home here. I could never give her a normal life or give her a child. I... I am not good for her. You see what we live in and our job. We are being sent now back to the States to kill innocent people that were turned against their will. I am no better than the person that turned them. We have innocent blood staining our hands. How can I bring her into my world with me being..." I shook my head and sat down next to him. I rested my head in my hands and let out a shaky breath. "I sound pathetic."

"No. You sound like a man that is in love and trying to protect the woman he loves after failing to be able to do that with your first love from back when you were human." Demetri rubbed my back. "Just think about phoning her."

I licked my lips and gave him a nod. "I am sure Jane is waiting by the car on us. We should get going." I got to my feet and grabbed my bag then pocketed my phone. "Ready?"

"Yep. Just been waiting on you." He replied and nods for me to lead the way out.

Just as I had thought, Jane was waiting on us. Her foot was tapping impatiently on the pavement. "You're late." She said to us.

"Sorry." I tossed our bags in the trunk and opened the door for her.

"You've been acting off for a while now. I don't like it. Fix it before we get to the States because I don't need you to be the cause of us getting killed." She scolds me and slid into the back seat.

I pierce my lips together and glanced at Demetri that got behind the wheel to drive us. Closing her door I got in on the passenger side and with that, we were on our way to the airport to take the private plane overseas.

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