𝗼𝗻𝗲 ,, 𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗍𝗁𝗈𝗅𝖾

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𝖮𝖭 𝖠 𝖡𝖫𝖠𝖢𝖪 𝖱𝖮𝖠𝖣, you can see a black car driving. The rain is making everything look darker than it is.

"Why are we here, again?" the camera moves into the car as the voice spoke. The Camera stays in the back of the car, as in front are sitting two people, a man with short dark hair is drivin while the woman in the passanger seat with brown locks, looks out of the window, watching the rain. The camera shows that the two people are Derek Hale and his little sister Avery Hale.

"When was this?" Caroline ask, looking at the two siblings. Avery looks at the screen a little before looking to the blonde vampire, ''3 and a half years ago." the Hale Witch answers. Caroline nods thankful and turns back to the screen, not noticing Elena's hateful glare.

"Laura doesn't answers her phone or any messages we sent her, we are here to check if she's alright." Avery scoffs at her brothers explanation.

"I already did a locator spell, it showed nothing, and do you know what that means?" Avery looks to her right side, seeing her brother gripping the steering wheel harder, showing that he, in fact, knows the answer. "She's dead, and I don't know, but if I would be dead I wouldn't be able to answer my phone either." the young witch sarcastically smiles, but you could see the pain in her eyes.

Most people look at the hales in pity, while Avery and Derek glare at their uncle, who looks around the room.

Derek sents his sister a pointed look, making her roll her eyes, as she looks back out the windows. The rest of the ride goes silent.


Avery looks at the burned Hale House, many thoughts in her mind, never wanting to be back her. Derek looks at his sister, worried.

"If you want you can go in the city, while I go look for Laura." the older sibling says, as he noticed the look on Avery's face.

Avery sents her brother a grateful look, before turning on her heels, walking away from her old house and her older brother.

Avery looks at the house with a emotionless face, remember all the good memories there, but also the bad ones. A part of her feels happy that the house is gone now, but another part of her feels the sadness of all the memories in there being gone.

As Avery walks away, she doesn't notice the red eyes one her.

Some people jump in surprise, while others look curious at the screen. Seeing this, Avery gives Peter a side eye, not knowing this.

Outside of the woods, Avery takes out her headphones and places them into her ears, and pressing on play of her Playlist.

As Avery walks, she thinks of her friends in New York and how she just left without saying goodbye, she knows that it wasn't just her fault, since Derek just come into her room in the morning and told her to pack some of her things, and that he waits for her in the car.

She narrows her eyes when she felt something near her, making her stop walking and looking around.

Avery gave another big side eye towards her uncle, making him roll his eyes.

When she saw nothing Avery continues walking, with many memories in her head, playing in front of her eyes as if their where a screen. Avery blinks away her tears when she notice that she stands infront of park, where she used to be all the time as a kid.

She sighs, before walking closer to a bench in the middle of the park, where she sits down, rethinking every thing that happen the last 6 hours.


After one hour of walking around beacon hills, Avery walks on the Hale property, her hands in her pockets, her hair a little wet of the rain, when she noticed her brother sitting on the stairs that lead up to the hale house.

''You okay?" Avery asks, sitting down beside her brother. "You were right." Derek look straight ahead into the woods.

Avery frowns in confuse, looking towards Derek, who sighs.

"About Laura."

Avery's face falls, realizing that Laura is in fact dead. With tears in her eyes, Avery loops her arm with her brothers, and places her head on his shoulder.

Now everyone looks at the hale in pity, no one can say they know how it feels to lose a sibling, except the Mikaelson's since they lost their brother Henrik.

"Whoever killed Laura, is now an Alpha." Avery spoke in a whisper, as she let's her tears fall.

"We will find out who did it, I promise." Derek says, leaning his head on avery's.

"What exactly is an 'alpha'?'' Bonnie ask, looking towards the beacon hills people.

"An Alpha is the leader of an Wolf's pack, like Scott here, he may haven't turn them all, but as you can see there aren't just werewolves in this pack, there are also a kitsune, a werecoyote, a banshee, a witch, and even humans and many others, they are not the same, but in the end they all would die for each other." Chris explained, fascinating many.

"Yeah, before he kills everyone here or it's to late?" Avery ask. "Let's hope before he kills everyone." Derek says.


- English is not my first language! Sorry for any mistakes.

- derek + avery = best siblings

- avery + sarcasm = 🤝

- not so long, but the next one is going to really long.

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