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We walked outside. "So pony asked me on a date" I said smiling. "Good for you" soda said pulling me into a hug.


I watched soda a y/n go outside. I saw y/n smiling and laughing again then I saw soda saw something while grinning pulling her into a hug. My stomach dropped.

I ran upstairs slamming my door I heard y/n walk into the house probably because of the commotion.


Me and soda walked in because we heard something slam "what was that?" I asked everyone. "We don't know pony just ran to his room slamming his door." Darry said.

I walked up stairs and knocked on pony's door softly. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" Pony shouted. I was kinda shocked.

"Pony it's me y/n" I said. "Yeah and I said leave me alone" I was kinda surprised that he did that. I walked down stairs since the drive in opens at 7 I was going to go get ready early but I was only 2 in the afternoon.

"I'm going home to go get ready" I said smiling. "Don't worry y/n he won't miss your date" soda said smiling. "SODA" I yelled. " wait you and pony got a date are you guys dating?" The whole gang besides soda and Johnny said at once. "Yeah" I said kinda nervous. "Ok well have fun" Darry said smiling warmly.

I walked out the door and to my house.


Pony finally came down stairs "I'm going for a walk" he said. "Ok" Darry said. Just then pony walked out of the house.

Around 6:30 pm y/n walked in looking nice "is pony alright" she asked. We all looked at her "well he left right after you went home and hasn't been back since Johnny and dally are out looking for him now" I said worried.

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