1. Strong language through the book

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TW: RAPE/ mention
Y/n moved to Tulsa Oklahoma a few days ago
her dad was a drunk and often abused her and raped her she heard a knock at her door but as she was going to answer it her dad yelled "y/n come here" she walked up stairs.

"Yeah dad?" She asked. "Come over here" he asked. I had to answer the door so I replied "can't dad someone's at the door I got to go answer it" she knew what her dad was going todo.

"Hey may I help you?" I asked. " Hi my name is ponyboy I was wondering if you would like to have dinner with me and my brothers" he asked flustered. "Yeah sure why not" he was kinda cute. Just then she heard her dad call "YOU LITTLE SHIT GET UP HERE" she rolled her eyes. "Boy he is mad" pony said. "Yeah he always is" she said rolling her eyes. "How come" he ask. "PIECE OF SHIT IF I HAVE TO COME DOWN THERE" my dad shouted. "Look it was good talking to you but I gotta go see you tonight?" She asked. "Yeah pick you up at 7" she shut the door and ran upstairs

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