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We started heading back to the Curtis house we decided not to tell anyone yet besides Johnny we made him swear he would tell anybody.

We walked into the Curtis house "hey y/n can I talk to you outside?" Soda asked me. I shook my head and we walked outside. "So are you and pony together yet?" He asked. I didn't want to lie to him because we were best friends.

"Um honestly you can't tell anyone but yeah we are" I said exited but quiet. He hugged me and we stayed the hug will he was congratulating me.


We walked inside when soda ask y/n to go outside with him and she went outside with him.

I was watching the as the were talking she seemed she was laughing and smiling I don't know why but I kinda felt jealous?

They walked back inside as they did I put on a smile and whispered in y/n ear. "Do you wanna go to the drive in with me just me and you" she whispered "yeah sure" she told everyone she had to go home and she walked out "ok does anyone not want her to go over to her house?" Two asked. "Hey um there is something she told me and pony at the lot" Johnny said. I looked at Johnny "No Johnny we promised we wouldn't say" I told Johnny kinda nervous.

"Johnny tell us now" dally demanded. "Johnny no" I said. "JOHNNY NOW" dally was starting to yell. "Ok I will have her tell you guys when she feels like it." Johnny said. I sighed in relief. "Ok Johnny" Darry said.


I walked into my house my dad wasn't there I locked the front door and went into my bedroom.

I was laying there when I got hungry so I went into the fridge of course there was nothing there so I decided to walk to the Curtis house again. I unlocked the door and headed over. I didn't knock because I was told not to and I just walked right in. "Hey y/n" soda said. Every one was looking at me. "Hey soda" I said back. "Can I talk to you outside." I said excited. "Yeah sure" soda said. Looking at everyone we walked out side.

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