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I woke up to Darry fixing me up it hurt like hell. He was cleaning my bruises and cuts on my stomach. I hissed in pain I looked at pony and every one else they all looked worried "ouch please go easy" I said in pain. "Y/n how long?" Dally asked. "What?" I asked confused. "HOW FUCKING LONG HAS HE BEEN DOING THIS" he shouted. "Are you talking about my fucking stomach" I said annoyed. "YES HOW LONG HAS HE BEEN HITING YOUR STOMACH FOR?" He said still shouting. "Look it doesn't matter now does it" I said.

"Yes it fucking does y/n look at what he is doing to you" two-bit said. I looked down. "It doesn't bother me none so why does it matter to you guys" "because y/n it's not right" pony said. I got up a walked out of the house. "No your not going back over there!" Darry said. But It was already to late I walked into my house. "Hey hun I'm so sorry for what I did" my dad said. I knew he was lying "it's ok dad" I tried walking past him. When he grabbed me " I wanna show you how sorry I am" he said smirking. 'Shit' i thought to myself. "No it's fine dad" I said. He pinned me down on the couch and started to take my clothes off "Dad please stop" I said pleading. "No I'm going to show you" he took off all my clothes(use you imagination for the rest)

The next morning I got up at 5:00 A.M it wasn't the first time my dad raped me but this time felt different. I left the house to clear my head I walked to the lot and sat down on the side walk crying "y/n?" I heard a small little voice ask. I turned my head and looked up "Great your here seeing me cry" I said. "It's fine but what's wrong?" Johnny asked. I wanted to tell him but I just looked at the ground. Johnny lifted my head up and said "hey y/n it's ok you can tell me" I thought about and the I started with. "My dad doesn't just beat me" I said. "What else does he do then?" He ask. "He uh he" I said shaking. "Hey look at me it's ok you don't have to tell me" he said but kinda worried.

I shook my head and continued "he also rapes me." I said quickly hurrying my hands into my hands. "He what?" A soft quiet voice says from behind Johnny. Great it was ponyboy "pony you wasn't supposed to hear that" I said. "No it's fine but I'm so sorry"

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