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Idk if it's 3rd person or 1st person
"Yes dad what do you need?" I ask him while rolling my eyes. " I said. "come here right now." I walked over to him afraid of what he might do just then he started to slammed me against the wall knocking the wind out of me "you little shit when I tell you todo something you do got it." I nodded. He started to punch and kick me he stopped and walked out of the room. "I'm going out little shit." He said walking out of the house. I rolled my eyes and got up limping to the bathroom.

"Damn I look rough" I said to myself. I looked at the time "SHIT it's 6:30" I ran upstairs and picked out a pretty f/c (favorite colored) shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans. I put one my white worn down converse. Just then a knock was on my door. I run down and open the door. "Shit y/n you look beat up who did this?" Pony said worried. 'Shit I forgot to hide my bruises' I thought to myself.

"Oh nobody did this I'm just clumsy" I said obviously lying. I don't think he believed be because his response wasn't sure. "Oh ok are you ready?" He said nervously. "Yeah let's go" we walked off heading the the Curtis house.

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