Dorms and First Smile after 11 years

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~ Izuku's POV ~
I woke up and saw a cat at my window. I walked up to the window and opened it. The cat got inside. It looked like it was wearing a flea and tick collar. I closed my window and walked back to my bed.

The cat got on my desk chair and fell asleep into a ball. I looked at the cat sleep and closed my eyes to sleep. When I woke up. I got off of my bed and walked to my closet to grab my school uniform. I put the school shorts on.

I put the skirt on after I put the school shorts on. I put the button up shirt on and button it up. I did my tie neat and not messed it up. I put the school jacket on me and buttoned it up. I put on my socks that goes it my knees.

I opened my bedroom door and walked downstairs with the cat. Dad saw the cat. "Lettuce. Why is there a cat in the house?" Dad said. "I let the cat in my bedroom window. It just slept on my desk chair." I shrugged.

"Okay." Dad said and returned back to what he was doing. I sat down on the table while Kami-kun was sitting and Shin was setting up the table. Papa finished making the breakfast. Dad put them on the dishes and moved them.

Dad moved them to the table we are all at. Right when I was about to take a bite then my head starts to hurt. I drop the fork on the plate and I fell backwards to the floor. "Izu!!" Shin yelled worriedly. My hair split in two slowly.

I closed my right eye and opened it. My right eye was glowing red and my right side of my hair was white. Shin tried to help me up but I shock him. "Ow!" Shin said in a tiny bit of pain. I started to float with an evil smile on my face.

"Hehehe." I chuckled evilly. "Watch over my daughter. She is now my daughter. Daughter of All For One. The Symbol of Evil!!" I yelled with father's voice evilly. "Until next time we will meet." I said smiling evilly then fell.

Shin caught me in time. I opened my eyes. I looked up weakly at them. They saw my new look. Kami went next to me. "I am going to be around Zuku-san everyday." Kami said. "You are also going into dorms today." Dad said.

"We are?" Kami and Shin said confused. "Yeah. I'm going to put Kaminari with Lettuce if you are okay with that Shinso." Dad said. "I am totally fine with that. Kaminari and I will watch over Izu." Shin said. "Okay." Papa said.

We finished breakfast and went to UA. I put my hair up into a perfect bun. My bangs still covering my right eye. We waited for the cue to go in. We heard the word and we came in with Shin. I stand in front of dad's stand.

"My name is Hitoshi Shinso. I am adopted from Eraser head and Present Mic. I am also a big brother of Izuku Midoriya. My quirk is called Brainwash. I can brainwash anyone that completes my question." Shin said.

"Mineta. Your new seat is behind Tsu. Shinso your seat is were Mineta was sitting." Dad said. Shin nodded and walked to his seat. I sat on dad's desk. "Okay so today we are going to having you live in the dorms." Dad said.

"Yay!!" Everyone cheered except Kami, Shin, Todoroki, Kacchan, and me. "I have the list of people that are sharing dorms. After dad listed some people it was close to the end of the list. "Uraraka and Tsu." Dad said looking down.

"Todoroki and Shinso. Last one is Kaminari and Lettuce." Dad said. "Get packing and meet me at the dormitory that says 'Class 1A' okay." Dad said. We nodded our heads. We got up and went home to pack up.

"But I don't want to carry the bags." Papa whines. "Hey papa. What do you think about Izu's hair?" Shin asked. "I think her hair is lov-" Shin brainwash papa. Dad smiled. "Now please carry our bags to the dorm." Shin said.

Papa grabbed the bags and started to head out. We walked behind papa. Dad was smirking. When we got there dad smacked papa on the head. "Ow!!" Papa yelled in pain. "Huh?" He said looking around. He sulked.

"Shinso just brainwashed me to hold the bags." Papa sulked in pain. I pat his back. "Thank you. Thank you." Papa still sulked. "There ther-" I got cut off with no sound from my voice. "Your mute now?" Papa sulked.

I started to sulk nodding my head sadly. "Wow." Shin said. "Wait. You can't talk anymore Izu?" Shin said. I stopped sulking and tried to talk to him. I grabbed my phone and started to type on my phone.

I showed them what I wrote.

All For One took my voice. I can only my sounds like 'mm, ah, and hm.' I can also only squeak if I try to talk.

"Oh. Why is he doing this to Lettuce. I feel like he is starting to go a little too far." Dad said. I nodded my head. I tried to talk. *squeak* I closed my mouth and covered my mouth. "Aw!! That was so cute!!" Shin said in awe.

I started to hit his arm gently. "That's even more cute." Papa said. I started to sulk. "Hey Zuku-san!!" Kami said. *squeak* I squeak. I sulked even more and just waved. "What's wrong with her?" Kami said confused.

"All For One took her voice. She can only make noises and squeak if she tries to talk." Shin said. *squeak* I squeaked. "It's so cute!!" Kami said in awe and started to hug me. I was shocked. I started to hug back with a smile.

"Lettuce has smile for the first time after 11 years ago." Dad smiled. "Hm~" I sighed happily with a smile. They hugged me as well.

To be continued...

1030 words

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