Part 30: 3 months later

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Naruto POV:

"Possible birth is the 10th of October this year. Congratulations!" The doctor said and smiled warmly at me and Sasuke.

I grinned.

"On my birthday even!" I say.

Sasuke chuckled.

"Well, that is all. Thank you for coming and contact the hospital if anything happens or you need help." The doctor said.

I smiled at her before walking out of the room.

"10th of October, that's 2 weeks." Sasuke mumbles.

I giggle.

"It's going to be alright, ne?" I say.

Sasuke smiles.

"Yeah I wasn't even worried I just made my brain know the information clearly."

I laugh.

I look up at my husband and nuzzled into his arm.

"What now, dobe?" Sasuke asks.

"I'm just happy." I say and continue walking.

When we got home, I went directly to the fridge and god out a tomato and started eating it.

Sasuke chuckled.

"It's me who loved tomatoes, not you."

I grin at him teasingly.

"Finally you admit it!" I say with tomato in my mouth.

He walks over to the fridge as well and gets out ingredients for tomato soup.

"Seriously? We have eaten tomato soup 4 times this week. Why not eat ramen?" I whine.

"Because I do not like ramen, you are the only one in this household that likes ramen while me and Menma likes tomato soup." Sasuke explains.

I pout.

He chuckles and kisses me on the forehead quickly.

"But one thing is, I do love you more than tomato soup." Sasuke says.

I blush.

"Y-yeah o-okay." I stutter and get myself out of the embrace.

He turns to the ingredients and start making the soup.

I hug him from behind and rest my head on his back.

"What?" He asks.

I smile.

"You're warm..." I say and nuzzle my face into his cloak.

He chuckles.

"I am more cold than warm." He says.

I shake my head.

"Your hands might be cold but your heart is as warm as the sun."

"No, you are the sun-"

"And you are the moon."

I hug him for another moments until I let go and walked over to the table and sat down at the chair.

I look to Menma's empty chair.

"When will Menma get home, do you think?" I ask.

Sasuke shrugs.

"Maybe 2 or 3 days, who knows?" Sasuke says and continues making the food.

"It's unusual not to have him here." I say and rest my chin in my palm.

I stare at my husband.

"Yeah. But now I can take care of only one person." Sasuke says, I laugh.

"Do you think we need to move away from this house? We don't have enough rooms for 5 kids." I say.

Sasuke shrugs.

"It wouldn't be a bad idea."  Sasuke says, continuing cooking the  food.

"Oh oh oh! There is this house that is perfect for us to raise our new children! It is very close to the academy and it has 7 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms as well as a living room that is sooooo big!" I say and grin big.

Sasuke turns to me and smiles.

"Have you been looking for a new house without me?" He asks.

I chuckle.

"Well, duh! You were on a mission at the time." I say.

He turns back to the food he is cooking.

"I think maybe we can buy that. We can talk about it with Menma." Sasuke says.

I grin.

"Yaaay!" I say and throw my hands out like a little kid.

Sasuke laughs.

"Yeah. Yay." Sasuke says in an unmotivated tone. I pout.

"It doesn't sound happy, ya know?" I say.

"Well I can't be all 'YaAaAy' without sounding like a girl." Sasuke says and adds a little girly voice on the 'yay'.

I laugh.

"I love you anyways, ya know! It was the coldness that make you very very attractive." I say and bite my lip.

He blushes.

"Shut up, dobe." He says.

I laugh again.

"I love you too, you dobe."

End of part 30...
Sorry for not updating.
Today is my country's (Sweden) national day or what it is called so I have had celebrating to do with the family lol.
Okay I gotta go now.

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