Taehoon with an Insecure S/O

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He notices this and basically sticks around you even more.

"Why r ya insecure?"

"I dated ya for a reason"

If other girls try and approach him.

"Fuck off"

"I'm busy fuck off"

"I ain't interested"

He would corner you with his leg.

"Stop being so dramatic its pissing me"

"They don't mean shit to me"

He isn't good at being romantic and would say.

"Ya take most of my time and I ain't mad."

"Ya drag me to shitty stores and I ain't hitting you."

Give him A+ for trying to comfort you but it's just pissing you off.

If pissing you off takes you off your insecurity he would continuously do it.

Would flirt with you in front of other women.

Shamelessly grabs a piece of your ass.

"Hey look, yer my girlfriend not em. If I didn't like ya I wouldn't even be here." He told you while he hits you.

"You even make me says these shitty things. Its so fucking cringe ya make me want to hit ya even more."

"I ain't repeating shit you better listen."

"If ya ever think like that I'd hit ya"

He would then after drag you with him to the arcade.

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