Chapter 44

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B e l l a
"What are we doing today?" I ask Daniel. He shrugs his shoulders and continues to eat his lunch.

"Let's go to a club. There's some pretty good ones around here." Daniel suggests.

"That's a good idea, but I'm only nineteen." I remind him.

"I know that, but I have my ways to get you in. You drink sometimes so I think it would be okay. Just don't get drunk or anything or else I could go to jail."

"Because I'm the kind of person that would chug five beers in a row." I sarcastically remark. He laughs as I leave the room to go find my phone.


L a u r e n
After picking up some groceries, I head back to my house to get ready for the date that Beau has planned. I'm anxious to see what he's planned for me to where because he doesn't always match things very well.

I put all the groceries away then head to my room. Laying on my bed, I find a flannel shirt, light washed skinny jeans, and a pair of boots. There's a note along with it that says I need to be ready by seven. It's six now so if I get ready now I should have enough time.

I get dressed then head into the bathroom to decide what to do with my hair. It's a good thing that I have an outfit to base what our date will be on, so because of the flannel, I decide to play it on the safe side and just French braid my hair back. Beau can be so random at times that I never know what to expect. Maybe he just likes girls with flannels.

I check the time and see that it's almost three. I slide on the boots that were left out and take my phone off of the charging dock. As if on cue, the doorbell rings. I hop down the stairs and see Beau in an almost similar flannel along with jeans and boots.

"So where exactly are we going?" I ask him.

"I can't say! A surprise is a surprise!" He says. I roll my eyes while he kisses my cheek.

"Oh you know I love you." He says thinking I was actually mad.

"I love you too." I assure him.

After the car ride, we find ourselves at a ranch. "Beau, what are we doing here?" I ask him.

"We, Lauren, are going to be riding horses." Beau finally says.

"I didn't know you had a country side to you! You never told me!" I say surprised. Beau is the last person I would expect to be country-like. He doesn't act like it at all.

"There a lot of things you ain't know about me." Beau tries to impersonate a country accent, but it's not going very well.

"I didn't know you were a hick either. And you used 'ain't' improperly." I laugh while correcting him.

"Okay, maybe I don't have a country side. I just think it would be fun to ride a horse." Beau confesses.

"You've never been on a horse?"


"You have got to be kidding me! Let's go!" I say while dragging his arm over towards the horses.

"Okay," I begin. "You need to saddle it first. Do you know how to do that?" He nods his head yes and grabs the saddle off of the mount on the wall.



"It's backwards. Let me do it." We both burst in to laughter as he steps away to let me help.

"Thanks." He laughs again.

"Okay now put this on your head." I say while handing him a helmet.

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