Chapter 6

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After my run, I take a quick shower and put on joggers and a t shirt. I check my phone and I have a text message from a random number.

Hey, it's Daniel the text says. I quickly respond by just saying hi and then go out to the kitchen to help Lauren cook dinner.

After debating on what to make, we decide on chicken salads. As Lauren was grilling the chicken, her phone started to ring. "It's Cameron, I'm going to get this," lauren says as I walk over to the stove to take over her job.

I can hear her enough to only make out a few words in the conversation, which consists of her saying she hopes his mom feels better. I roll my eyes because he can actually lie straight through his teeth like that. I'm going to tell her tonight

"What was that about?" I ask when Lauren walks back into the kitchen.

"Cameron's mom was admitted to the hospital. They think she has a heart attack," she informs me. She probably had one from finding out how cruel her son is to cheat on Lauren.

We sit down at the small table in the kitchen. Lauren rambles on about her life here and how great it is. I don't want to be the one to change it and make it bad by telling her about Cameron. I guess I'll tell her tomorrow. I can't keep putting this off.

My phone rings and its Daniel again. I ignore him this time, but lauren sees the name on my phone along with the picture he took during my run to keep as his contact picture.

"I see you know Daniel" lauren says. She must've seen my phone.

"Yeah, do you know anything about him? he pulled some stupid prank on me at the mall," I tell her.

"Yeah, i actually do. He moved here about six months ago from Australia with 4 other boys. Their names are Beau, Jai, Luke, and James. I guess they're YouTubers and actually sing a couple songs. They call themselves The Janoskians. They're pretty funny actually. They live a couple houses down the street," she tells me. I guess I couldn't really tell he had an accent then, but thinking about it now, I guess I can tell some difference.

When we are finished cleaning up from dinner, I decide to look at the text from Daniel.

I would love to make up the whole mall fiasco to you. How about dinner Thursday night at seven? I'll pick you up? The text reads. It's not like it's a date or anything. I respond with the address and tell him I'll see him then.

"Boys, I have a date!" I tell them. I can't believe she actually said yes. She lives really close, too.

"With who?" They all say in unison before they tackle me down to the ground.


"Who's Bella?" Luke asks.

"The girl from the mall" I remind him.

"And she said yes because?" Beau asked.

"If I were her, I'd think he's a creep from just kissing her out of the blue," Jai adds.

"Guys, I'm still here you know," I remind them. I'm not sure if they know that or if they just don't care. They probably don't care.

"Wait, is that the girl who thinks I'm a dog?" James asks.

I don't even acknowledge James's question. I'm too excited. I have two days. Two days until I find out if Bella will ever feel the same way. I probably sound crazy because I've only ever had one conversation with her, but I know that I will marry her.

this is actually pretty long. I'm surprised with myself. Don't forget to check out Perfect Imperfections by my friend Lauren. it's a really good book. I might update later tonight or tomorrow. I'm not sure yet but thanks for reading!

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