Chapter 30

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"Why would you want to throw this all away?" I ask.

"I have no clue what you're talking about Beau!" She screams back. How could she be so oblivious?

"You were obviously picturing yourself with him!" I yell slamming the car door shut.

"I don't even know who you're talking about!" She says. She's making this up, she knows exactly what she was doing.

"How long have you been seeing him? This whole trip or longer? Is this why you didn't want to say yes to me?" I keep questioning her. I need to get his answer out of her.

"Beau, listen to me! I have no clue who he is. He smiled and I was being polite smiling back! And you know why I was hesitant. I didn't want hate!" She answers back. Maybe she is telling the truth after all.

"Bella didn't get hate!" She says unlocking the hotel door. Thank god Daniel and Bella aren't here.

"Yes she did. She didn't tell anyone except me." She says proving me wrong. She gets up and walks out the door. She slams it shut and I soon see the rental car pulling out of the parking lot. What have I done?

I know it sounds childish, but I miss Andrea. I miss my brother and I miss Daniel. Olivia has been in and out of here. I don't think she completely understands that James has moved on. His new girlfriend, Mya, is pretty cool. I haven't been myself lately without Andrea. Samantha says that she is doing well, but that's not what I want. I want her back and well. Not gone and well.

"Let's have a party." James suggests.

"Why? They aren't very fun if we don't have Beau or Daniel." Jai adds.

"Because Luke keeps moping around about Andrea. He needs to get back out there and move one." James explains.

"It's been a week. Do you really think I'm going to be okay by now?" I ask. Do they think that my relationship with Andrea was nothing? Well, I guess it was only two weeks long, but I love her. I mean, loved her.

"Doesn't Bella have to go back to school soon?" Samantha asks changing the subject.

"Yeah, so we will have two parties coming up soon." James answers. I don't know what Daniel is going to do when she leaves, I don't think I want to be around for that. He's going to be a mess. It's crazy that we've all only known these girls for a couple weeks and we are all so attached. Even James and Jai who have known their girlfriends for awhile now still love them. Of course not in the way Daniel loves Bella, Beau loves Lauren, and I loved Andrea.

"I sent a big text out to everyone." Jai says.

"Why would you do that? I didn't know this party was a for sure thing." I reply. I can see this party either being really good and Andrea shows up, or extremely bad and I ended up wanting to throw myself off of a cliff more than I already do.

"The party starts at seven." Jai informs me. Again, why would he do that? It's almost six thirty now.

"Did you tell Andrea?" I ask samantha with hope in my voice.

"Yes," she begins and I almost jump out of my seat and cheer, "but, she thinks it's too soon." She continues. I feel my heart sink down to my feet.

"I didn't even do anything wrong and she's gone." I say almost in tears.

"I know. I've tried to tell her this so many times. I'll try and talk to her again." Samantha answers while pulling out she phone and dialing Andrea's number.

Please answer Andrea. Please.

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