Chapter 29

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I decided to drive back to the hotel. Bella, or Isabelle, seemed a little down.
"Bel, are you okay?" I ask. She doesn't answer. She just squeezes her eyes shut and tears fall out.

I decide to pull over to the side of the road to see if she's alright. "Daniel." She says between sobs. I pull her closer to me and just hug her. I'm not sure what to do, so I just sit there and hug her.

"I'm adopted." She whispers. What? How is she adopted? Well, I guess that she doesn't look anything like her parents. She has brown hair and crystal blue eyes. Her parents have blonde hair and brown eyes, both of them do.

"Bella, come here," I say, pulling her over the console. She lets out cries into my shoulder. "It's going to be okay. It's always going to be okay. As long as we have each other, everything will be okay." I continue. She picks her head up and tucks her hair behind her ear.

"I love you." She she says before crashing her lips on mine. As I kiss her back, I can't keep myself from wondering how I would react just finding out that my parents aren't really my parents.

She pulls away and we just sit there for a while listening to the radio softly play in the background. "We should probably get on the road again." I say. She nods and pulls herself off of me. She checks the time on her phone and it's nearly 1 in the morning. It didn't seem like hours. It only seemed liked minuets.

When we reach the hotel, she's fast asleep. I pick her up and carry her back to the room bridal style. Lauren and Beau are asleep wrapped in each other's arms. I'm happy he found her. He needs someone like her. I can already tell that he's not going anywhere. He's whipped, and neither of them know it.

Bella is half awake now, so she gets out of her jeans and into yoga pants. I take my shirt and pants off and climb into bed. Bella is asleep before I know it, but I have too many thoughts to sleep. I can't keep my mind off of what happened at Bella's house. I can't even grasp the fact that Bella isn't even her real name. Her own mother doesn't even call her Bella. Her dad did a couple of times, but I caught him saying Isabelle many of times.

I wake up in the morning with Bella beside me on her phone. "I have an idea for today." She says. I have to admit, sometimes her ideas scare me.

"What's that?" I ask before kissing her cheek.

"I want a tattoo."

"Uhm, are you feeling okay? You don't seem like the kind of person with a tattoo are you sure you want one?" I question her. I don't want her to end up regretting her decision later on in her life.

"I also don't look the kind of person with a messed up life," she laughs, "but it's one of those thing a that I've always wanted, I just didn't want my parents to get angry at me. Now that I know they aren't my real parents, I don't have a problem with getting one. I'll quit all of my sports, too. I'll quit college." She threatens.

"Bel, don't go crazy. I think getting a tattoo is a perfect idea. But you've worked way too hard in your running to give up on it. Same with softball and soccer, and if you change your degree, you'll have to go to school even longer." I say, trying to talk her out of this. Is she crazy or something?

"Bella, what do you mean your parents aren't your real parents?" Lauren asks while rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

"Oh, Lauren, I went the people who say I'm their daughter's house, and they tell me I'm adopted." She says.

"Oh my god Bella, are you okay?" Lauren asks. You can tell that she wishes she wouldn't have brought up the topic.

"I'm fine." She says.

"Bella, you don't understand this. Even though they weren't the ones who actually created you, they were the ones who raised you. They were there for all of your firsts. They are the ones who love you. Your real parents love you too, I'm sure, and that's why they did this. Your parents care so mush about you that it's crazy. It may not seem like it, but the look in their eyes when they saw you at breakfast, it was almost like they were the happiest people on earth." I lecture her. Those people are her real parents, even if she doesn't think that.

"Are you ready to go?" I ask her after her shower. She nods her head yes and slips on her shoes.

"What are you thinking of getting?" I ask.

"I was thinking this, but I'm not one hundred percent sure yet." She says whipping or she phone to show me a picture. It has a bunch of birds on it and it says you have to fall before you can fly.

"I like that. I think it suits you." I say before kissing her.

"Let's go." She laughs.

Beau and I were shocked when we found out that Bella was getting a tattoo, so we had to go and watch.

"Maybe I'll get one, too." I laugh.

"Would you even do it? And by the way, I still have a spot I need to fill in this sleeve." Beau responds.

"I'm not sure. I think I'd need something drastic to happen to me like what happened to Bella. I don't ever want to get a tattoo if it doesn't have a meaning, and I don't have anything that means anything to me. What are you going to get?"

"You'll see." He says smirking.

"Why can't I know now?" I ask while bringing my bottom lip down to form a pouty face.

"It's a surprise." He says, deciding to stand his ground.

"Fine." I say.

"Guys, it's done." Daniel says, motioning for us to come back and see it.

"I love it!" I squeal. It's fits her perfectly. She has been through a lot. Lauren told me that she just found out she was adopted, and I feel really bad for her.

"Thanks, it kind of hurts though." Bella laughs.

"is anyone else getting one?" The tattoo guy asks us.

"I am." Beau says. Bella decides to stay in the waiting room with me and Daniel comes back with Beau.


"What would you like?" The man asks me.

"I'm not sure. Can I see a book?" I ask. He nods his head and brings one over.

"That one is nice." I say pointing to a small design. It reminds me of Lauren.

"That girl is nice out there." He points while cleaning the tools.

"Which one?" I ask, hoping he doesn't point to Lauren.

"That one, in the blue." He says. My face turns read. She won't go with him ever. She loves me. I tell myself hoping its the truth.

"Yeah, I know her." I snap back. I hear the needles buzzing now and flinch at the pain.

"Looks like you're done." The man says after about ten minuets.

"Wow, that's awesome. Thanks." I say while fist bumping him. Lauren comes running out and immediately demands to see it. I take off my shirt revealing my new tattoo.

"Oh my god." She says with tears welling up in her eyes. She knows exactly why I picked it.

"Do you like it?" I ask rather nervously.

"I love it." She says.

When we go to pay, the tattoo guy walks in. He smiles and winks at lauren. I know she wouldn't do anything. I try and remember. The next thing I know, she's smiling at him.

What the fu**?

Long chapter whoop whoop. ok so luke will most likely be in the next chapter with jai, James, and most importantly, everyone's favorite, Fern! lol thanks for reading

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